Saturday, August 31, 2019

Issues and Traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Essay

Religion takes on many different forms and there are several definitions in as many languages used to describe the practices. For the purposes of this paper, the following basic definition will be used. Religion is the belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. Also, a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship (Company, 2000). This paper will examine three major religions of today: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. An attempt will be made to identify the top two current issues each religion faces as well as look at two sacred traditions and study the significance and major characteristics of each. Judaism Judaism is monotheistic in nature and has been described as a religion, a race, a culture, and a nation. All of these descriptions have some validity to them but Judaism is best described by some as an extended family (Rich, 2006). This extended family consists of four movements Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstructionist. All of which, still find themselves victims of discrimination known as anti-Semitism which is based on stereotypes and myths and often invokes the belief that Jews have extraordinary influence with which they conspire to harm or control society. For those Jews living in the Middle East there is also the very real danger and threats from a powerful country possibly in possession of nuclear weapons. The president of Iran threatened them publicly with annihilation. Discrimination and threats of violence Jews are a very real part of Jewish life but there are just as many positive popular time honored traditions that exists still today. One of which is the wedding tradition. The tradition begins with the husband signing a Ketabuh, the groom’s marital contractual obligation to the bride. The groom is then led to the Chuppah, a tarp this symbolizes their future home together. The bride is led in with singing and dances and then she circles the groom seven and comes to stand to the right of him. After several additional steps the marriage is blessed and ends in a wedding feast. Another Jewish tradition performed prior to Yom Kippur is called the ceremony of kapparot. The practice was first discussed at the beginning of the ninth century. It was believed that the sins of an individual could be transferred to a fowl, a rooster for men and a hen for women. The fowl was to be held over the head and swung in a circle three times while the following was spoken: â€Å"This is my exchange, my substitute, my atonement; this rooster (or hen) shall go to its death, but I shall go to a good, long life, and to peace. † (Schwartz, 2009) The fowl was then donated to the poor and hoped to take on any misfortune that might have occurred to the one who took part in the ritual. The primary sacred text used by the Jews is the Torah. Christianity is currently noted to be the largest religion in the world today, with around two billion followers. Christian beliefs center on the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the son of God. Jesus’ teachings focused on the kingdom of God, love of God, and love of one another. Today there are many different views his teachings and the meaning of some forms of love. One of the most controversial topics in the faith today is that of practicing homosexuality. The Christian bible stems from the Jewish sacred text which banned homosexuality of any kind. The bible even talks of God destroying two cities over homosexual behavior (Clark, 2009). Today many leaders condone the behavior and some are even practicing it themselves. While homosexuality may serve as a religious divider here in the U. S. , persecution is served cold as a divisionary disabling tactic abroad. It is the number one issue facing many Christians today, outright discrimination as in the case with Jews as mentioned earlier. In countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Saudi Arabia, and others Christians are being martyred because of their refusal to denounce Christianity. Everyday there are approximately 465 people killed because they will not give up their faith in Jesus (Dearmore, 2009). Most Christians in the U. S. attend a church service of some kind one to three times a week. This is a time honored tradition, just as the wedding tradition is in Judaism. The reason behind this is to participate in a time of fellowship with one another. Normally, the tradition includes worship service, private and corporate prayer, the study and reading of scriptures, and collection of tithes and offerings. There is also the coming together for celebration of special holidays. The most important Christian holiday is Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ and Christmas the celebration of his birth. Christian practices differ by denomination. Easter is a central theme for most if not all denominations. The origin of the word â€Å"Easter† is not certain but it was probably derived from Estre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring (Dreamweaver, 2009). It is a celebration of the central event of the Christian faith, the belief that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day following his death and burial. It is the oldest Christian holiday and the most important day of the church year. There is evidence that the resurrection used to be celebrated every Sunday until some point in the first two centuries when it was agreed to move it to once a year. The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible. Islam The Islamic religion is monotheistic in nature; they follow one God named Allah. The primary meaning of Islam is peace and the prime message is the Unity of God. Islam identifies Jesus and John the Baptist as prophets. They also believe that there will be no other prophet after the prophet Muhammad. One of the primary concerns facing the Muslim community still today is retribution after the terrorists’ attacks of 11 Sept 2001. Many Islamic followers faced discrimination on all fronts because of the fear of their culture and religious stereotyping (Clark, 2009). The attacks on American soil left a scary imprint of terror in the minds and hearts of many. The media portrayal added fuel to the fire and did nothing to ease the tensions caused by the scary pictures of death left behind. Unfortunately, there is also the fight with fundamentalist ideology and division among their own religious sects. Some groups are teaching others to hate Jews, Christians, and Americans as well as others. In the midst of this hate is a tradition of peace and goodwill towards others. One of the most important traditions is the observance of the Five Pillars of Islam. This involves witnessing to the fact that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. The second pillar is Salat, facing toward Mecca, the Holy Land of Muhammad, five times a day and kneeling in prayer. The third pillar is Alms giving, which encompasses giving charitably to other Muslims. The fourth is the performance of a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Last is to observe fasting during Ramadan. Muslims normally worship in Mosque; they kneel prostrate on small prayer rugs. The rugs may look to be small oriental carpets. Muslims kneel as a sign of humility before God. There is only one requirement that the place of prayer be clean. The rug is approximately one meter in length just long enough for an adult to fit on comfortably. When prayer time comes the rug is placed on the ground with the top pointed in the direction of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. After prayer the rug is immediately folded and put away until next time. The Arabic word for a prayer rug is â€Å"sajada,† which comes from the same root word (SJD) as â€Å"masjed† (mosque) and â€Å"sujud† (prostration) (Huda, What are prayer rugs, and how are they used by Muslims? ). This paper discussed three major religions of today and two current issues that they face. It also examined the characteristics of some of their valued traditions. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have one central theme in common besides the discrimination they all endure; they are all monotheistic in nature. They all believe in their own sacred text, their own version of truth. References

Friday, August 30, 2019

Work Ethics

According to Webster’s Dictionary â€Å"work ethics is a belief in work as a moral good.† Which is basically saying you do your work because you want to, not because you have to, and maybe get noticed for it? Some people work because they have to but if you have work ethic for what you work for it’s because you are doing it because you like and thinks it is a good job. If you do job just because then it is not considered a good work ethic, it is considered a work ethic but you only do the job because you have to do it.Those with a good work ethic often also possess generally strong character. This means they are self-disciplined, pushing themselves to complete work tasks instead of requiring others to intervene. They are also often very honest and trustworthy, as they view these traits as befitting the high-quality employees they seek to become, to demonstrate their strong character, these workers embody these positive traits daily, likely distinguishing themselv es from the rest.I have a work ethic. My work ethic is working in the library at my high school. I work in the library because I have to. I don’t like to work in the library but I do because it is a good work ethic. I work here because they need help.Many students leave school ill-prepared for the workplace. Poor academic skills and work habits limit their understanding of how they might fit into the adult world. Work-based learning addresses this problem by extending the walls of the classroom to include the whole community, giving students real world experiences and opportunities to apply academic skills in the workplace. Work-based learning is an integral part of school to careers transition, combining school-based learning and work-based learning into an integrated experience for all students.Through work-based learning, â€Å"Employers reinforce academic lessons, schools emphasize career applications, students gain experience in the adult world of work and connections t o a range of post-secondary options, including college, technical training and skilled entry level work.† The National Center for Career and Technical Education (NCCTE) defines career development as â€Å"the total constellation of psychological, sociological, education, physical, economic, and chance factors that combine to influence the nature and significance of work in the total lifespan of any given individual.†Work-based learning is defined as a coherent sequence of job training and work experience that involves actual work experience and connects classroom learning to work activities. One of the key elements that lead to the success of a school to careers system is work-based learning. Students must have access to a range of developmentally appropriate work-based learning experiences. Schools and employers need flexibility to develop a school to careers transition that builds on local strengths and is tailored to local needs and circumstances.The work-based compo nent may include a variety of activities including job shadowing, school based enterprises, entrepreneurial programs, dual enrollment, mentorships, career pathways, and service learning to name a few. Using a range of in-school and out-of-school strategies – paid or unpaid work experiences during the school day or after school – with programs customized to fit the needs of young people, school, businesses, and the local community, the main focus of any of these work-based learning experiences is that they must offer academic study, professional/technical skills, and work related experiences.Although most people have wanted to concentrate their efforts related to work-based learning on students in the upper years of high school, they should realize that programs that do not start until the 11th grade miss the chance to make a significant impact on many students. Work-based experiences need to take a progressive sequential approach that includes preparation (feeder) expe riences starting as early as elementary or middle school.It is crucial to include younger students before they become discouraged and disengaged or drop out of school altogether. â€Å"Feeder† experiences expose young people to a range of career opportunities through such options as summer internships, job shadowing, and career exploration workshops, all of which are geared to the connection between school and work and the integration of academic and occupational training. Ideally the work-based learning component is delivered through a planned program of job training and other employment experiences related to a chosen career.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Statment of purpos Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Statment of purpos - Personal Statement Example My teachers have always considered me a student worthy of reward as I have been earning good grades throughout my academic career. I have completed many small projects related to my field with hard work and dedication. I have worked in teams, and I like to collaborate with the team members to seek help and guidance from them on different issues. This has increased my capability of effective communication. I have deep interest in the management of information systems, as I believe that today’s world is being driven by computerized systems so much so that, one day, robots will take place of humans in many fields of life. I feel that I am a good candidate for the said program; and, I believe that I will be able to prove whatever I have mentioned above, if the authorities give me a chance to prove my interest in their university. I hope that the concerned, respected authorities will grant me the opportunity to study in their reputed

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How the Internet is Changing Market Research Paper

How the Internet is Changing Market - Research Paper Example The marketing research activities are based on a number of techniques to gain potential information from the marketplace. Activities of primary research which enables the use of primary tools can conduct interviews on groups of people or on specific individuals. These interviews conducted over focus or target groups are conducted either personally or through telephones or by rendering mails. Again the data can be gathered by the researcher through the conducting of experiments where control over the data variables is rendered through effective observation. After the division of the population into focus groups questionnaires are designed to conduct interviews to help retrieve potential data. After collection of potential data the same can be tested using statistical tools or hypothesis is conducted on the same to help retrieve potential inferences (Isikli, 84-88, Jakubiak, et. al. 7-11). Use of Internet Research Techniques in Marketing ResearchWith the advent of internet technology s everal firms like Procter and Gamble have gained considerably. It is because the development of internet has helped the company in building a test market wherein the company can launch new products and services to help reach a large number of consumers spread along large geographical areas and territories. These consumers can render potential ratings to the new launches on gaining required information and also renders their personal information on the same. These ratings and personal information serve as potential databases.... After collection of potential data the same can be tested using statistical tools or hypothesis is conducted on the same to help retrieve potential inferences (Isikli, 84-88, Jakubiak, et. al. 7-11). Use of Internet Research Techniques in Marketing Research With the advent of internet technology several firms like Procter and Gamble have gained considerably. It is because the development of internet has helped the company in building a test market wherein the company can launch new products and services to help reach a large number of consumers spread along large geographical areas and territories. These consumers can render potential ratings to the new launches on gaining required information and also renders their personal information on the same. These ratings and personal information serve as potential databases to the consumer goods company which in earlier times had to be gathered through building of a market research team that would roam about the market place to gather potent ial business data. This activity of the business company would have led to the increase of business costs and would also require a large amount of time to be expended on the same. Hence with the advent of internet technology these business companies which survived on the basis of considerable information retrieved from the market place to help reduce the cost of gaining the same. Again the use of internet based technology in regards to marketing research activities also helps the consumer goods company in gaining large amount of secondary data that is used by the company later on to train the sales and organizational staff. Secondary data generated from the internet can be potential information in regards to the competitor’s position and their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Women As Buddhists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Women As Buddhists - Essay Example Legends around Shakamuni Buddha abound; one of them tells of the death of his mother, Maya when Shakamuni was an infant. His aunt, Prajapati, took over the raising of him and later asked to join his sangha. She was refused. It was only after Shakamuni’s cousin Ananda has requested three times that Prajapati amd her 500 followers were allowed to practice Buddhism outside of the home, as nuns.  Legends around Shakamuni Buddha abound; one of them tells of the death of his mother, Maya when Shakamuni was an infant. His aunt, Prajapati, took over the raising of him and later asked to join his sangha. She was refused. It was only after Shakamuni’s cousin Ananda has requested three times that Prajapati amd her 500 followers were allowed to practice Buddhism outside of the home, as nuns.   This story has been denied as even existing by some scholars, who justify their denial by pointing out that it was invented to restore societal norms after the death of the Buddha    Mu ch debate has been engaged over this story, citing Buddhism as sexist from the very beginning. But let us look at the society of the times, for it is society that inspires and also creates rules and mores and acts as the impetus behind changing laws and constitutional amendments in every country. Firstly, Indian society was (and still is, in many places) a khast system which follows strict social mores concerning one’s circumstances of birth, familial status and gender.  ... A woman conducting the same practice was subject to rape, robbery, and other heinous crimes against women, which still occur today. Scholars state that it is very likely that Shakamuni refused to let his beloved aunt and caretaker be an active nun due to the dangers to women who were emancipated during his time. Since the Buddhist faith is centered on compassion and enlightenment attainable by anyone who can adhere to the practices and guidelines, it is more likely that Shakamuni was attempting to protect women rather than subdue them.3 It also makes sense that in his compassion, the Buddha placed nuns under the Eight Strict Rules and under the subordinance of the monks in order to preserve his teachings by not driving Indian society into anarchy by giving women too much freedom too soon. This certainly would have been the wisdom of one so enlightened, knowing the impermanence of the world and knowing that with time and changes to society through continued enlightenment, the rules could be relaxed. He never said that women could not achieve enlightenment just as men could; in fact he said the opposite: " 'Straight' is the name that Road is called, and 'Free From Fear' the Quarter whither thou art bound. Thy Chariot is the 'Silent Runner' named, With Wheels of Righteous Effort fitted well. Conscience the Leaning-board; the Drapery Is Heedfulness; the Driver is the Dharma, I say, and Right Views, they that run before. And be it woman, or be it man for whom Such a chariot doth wait, by that same car into Nirvana's pre sence shall they come."4 As to the eight rules, they are basically thus: 1. A bhikkuni (nun), even if in the order for 100

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Global warming is referred to as the recent rise of the standard temperature of the earth’s environment and the oceans and its predictable persistence. In the preceding 100 years, the typical surface temperature of Earth has been increasing at about 0.8  °C (1.4  °F) with almost two thirds of the increase mainly taking place within the last three decades (Houghton, J. T., â€Å" Global Warming: The Complete Briefing†). The global warming takes place when the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and methane entraps the heat and light from the sun into the earth’s atmosphere leading to the rise in level of temperature of the earth resulting in global warming. It is detrimental both for the earth and for the living objects of the earth such as human beings, plants and animals among others (Maslin, M., â€Å"Global Warming: Causes, Effects, and the Future†). It also hampers the livings organisms of underwater as well. Thus, many people or organisms that become unable to bear the heat of the atmosphere get destroyed and wiped out from the face of the world. Moreover, global warming also elevates the level of the seas, and as a result the low lands are flooded with the water thereby destroying the lives of many plants, animals and people on the islands (Schneider, S. H., â€Å"Global Warming: Are We Entering The Green House Century†). Moreover, it also obliterates the agricultural plantation of the areas thereby resulting in a drought situation. Due to loss of natural plantation or agriculture, the animals as well as plants also die as a result of deficiency in food (Mohr, â€Å"A New Global Warming Strategy†). In addition, due to the loss of shelter and the resources of food, the human beings might also have to perish from the face of the earth. This may result in the breakdown of the food chain thereby affecting the entire ecosystem of the world. It mainly has occurred due to emission of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Therapeutic management of stroke to prevent secondary events in Literature review

Therapeutic management of stroke to prevent secondary events in patients who have experienced an ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) - Literature review Example ever posited that duration of manifestation of symptoms is a major issue in ITA as in ITA, the symptoms are only kindly to be the same as what is seen in stroke in the first 24 hours or less. Writing specifically on the pathophysiology of ITA and its clinical manifestation, Iadecola and Gorelick (2012) stressed that the primary pathophysiology of the disease is the underlying heart or blood vessel disease, which manifests in several forms, including atherosclerotic vascular disease. Atherosclerotic vascular diseases have been associated with ischaemic stroke and actually considered a major cause of ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (ITA) (Rothwell, 2011). This is because the onset of atherosclerotic vascular diseases has actually been linked with the occurrence of occlusive lesions which take place in major intracranial and extracranial arteries. Meanwhile, any form of inhabitation of supply of blood to the heart could be associated with possible breakdown in the active functioning of the brain (Adams et al., 2008). Rashid, Leonardi-Bee and Bath (2013) noted that with the onset of atherosclerotic vascular disease which is the primary pathophysiology of both stroke and ITA, the damage to lesions resulting from occlusive lesions bring about further secondary manifestations, necessary for diagnosis. As this occlusive lesions, which is a form of severely stenotic lesions occur at the major intracranial and extracranial arteries, they lead to the narrowing of small penetrating arteries of the brain and thus the cause or onset of secondary events in patients with TIA (Fayad, 2006). In relation to the current research problem, Bornstein, Silvestrelli, Caso and Parnetti (2012) found that where there pathophysiology and clinical manifestation shows clear possibility of ITA, it is very important that immediate management steps are taken to avert further secondary events, leading to stroke. This is because there is only a thin line from the transition point from

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Data Mining (mining for gold) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data Mining (mining for gold) - Assignment Example This way, the data is understood or is used for any future marketing campaigns. This type of technique is usually used by many analysts. Issues relating to security of the information obtained by companies about individual customers. This information is prone to crimes such as hacking creating major security concern for both customers and companies. Many customer do not give out their information easily because of privacy complains. This way it is not possible to accurately draw relationship or trend in any particular data as the data may be considered incomplete. Airline companies use data mining techniques to improve their servicing towards customers. The data that is mined to find hidden patterns is about frequent fliers. The issues selected for mining in the frequent flier program are firstly to identify customer characteristics, their most frequent flying zone, class and period of the year in which they usually fly. Secondly, to discover pattern between the sectors based on the activities of the customers. The data mining technique is applied to customer data in three ways: category type, booking type and sector type. Category type revealed that discretionary and invitees were having lower than average use usage whereas members flew more. Booking type disclosed that about 88% of the customers booked their tickets via agents. Data mining can be used by many different industries. One of the types of industry is the super market industry. Data mining can help them identify customer buying patterns i.e. to place products in such a way that can lead to an increase in the buying behavior of the customer e.g. Wal-Mart’s case of nappies and beer. The other industry that can use data mining is the automobile industry. Customer preferences can be found and all future automobile can be based on aspects usually preferred by customers (e.g. low CO2 emission cars and increased promotion of hybrid cars to control

Friday, August 23, 2019

Summary of marketing article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of marketing article - Essay Example Of these experts, Converse was one of the only to emphasize on customers which has now become the core of the concept of marketing mix. The author has provided a clear timeline which outlines the various authors and their contributions to the concept since 1911 until 1960. The author has provided a clear and concise explanation of the various inputs from several authors in a clear manner. The author further moves on to discuss the ‘blossoming of the marketing mix’, where he has pointed out how Culliton (1948) suggested the name for the concept. He moves on to provide an explanation of how the name developed and how the 1950s saw a growth in terms of the concept and the related theories. Again the author has provided in a very effective and efficient manner the contribution of several authors over the years and how the marketing mix concept grew and formed shape. The author also highlights how the 4Ps of marketing had been introduced and developed in 1960. Furthermore, the author has moved on to discuss an essential aspect of the concept where the future considerations for the marketing mix have been made. Here the author considers and discusses the contributions of Park, MacInnis and Silverman and their suggestions of the 4Ps configuration. The concept came into being based on the several economic theories that were present in the earlier years. However there have been questions about the purpose of the 4Ps and the overall usefulness in terms of stimulating demand. The author has touched upon some important aspects of the current day thought of the field of marketing and has brought out some relevantly new thoughts where the marketing has been recognized to be the organizational culture and philosophy. The author has also brought out essential points which highlight the need for a fresher view on the concept which can be seen in the light of some practical decision making processes of the current

United Airlines Breaks Guitars Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United Airlines Breaks Guitars - Case Study Example Issues The company has a workforce of 50,000 employees worldwide (Deighton & Kornfeld). Despite the firm’s resources the company has not been able to effectively use its workforce to provide excellent customer service to its clients. The lack of customer service has grown and the firm has been losing clients due to its lack of care for the needs of the customers of the company. Dave Carroll made a reasonable request when his guitar was damaged due to the mishandling of his property by the employees of the company. A second issue that must be considered by the company is how to implement collateral damage in order to stop the Dave Carrols incident to continue to escalate any further. The company cannot afford for this issue to continue to be in the mainstream media for months or even years. The consequences of the song being a hit that lingers into the popular culture for a long period of time would be devastating for United Airlines. Alternative solutions The firm currently faces a major dilemma due to the Dave Carroll situation. A way to face the problem and find a resolution to eliminate the spillover effect the video can have in the long term is by reaching a confidential settlement with Dave Carroll to compensate him for punitive damages. The basis of the agreement would involve Dave taking the video off YouTube and other sites and for him to make a public announcement that the issue was settled with United Airlines and he was satisfied with their final resolution. The company would pay Dave Carrols a lump sum payment of $250,000 to $500,000. A second alternative solution to deal with the problem is to apply avoidance. Avoidance involves ignoring the problem by pretending a problem does not exist (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn). The company would let time fix the issue as people forget about it and move on the next piece of news. This alternative solution can be applied at a very low cost to the company. The risk associated with t he solution is that YouTube serves as a video database. If the firm is unlucky the popularity of the song may linger for a long period of time. A third alternative solution is to disregard the short term problem associated with the Carroll incident and to implement a solution that will prevent the company from facing similar issues in the future. The firm has to begin to gain the trust of its customers by drastically increasing the level of customer service. For starters the policy of eliminating all free snacks to customers must be reversed. People get anxious during flights and offering a light snack free of charge is a way for the customer to know that the company cares. The firm would implement new rules and guidelines protocols to deal with damage goods incidents. The policy of reporting the damage within 24 hours will be changed to 30 days to allow sufficient time for the travelers to finish their vacation and get back home to file out the complaint. A fourth alternative solut ion is for the company to create a new insurance service to protect their luggage valuables. The insurance could be purchase to insure items at different value ranges such as $1-500, $501-1000, and $1001-$10,000. The cost of the insurance would be paid for when the customers purchase their tickets or at the airlines prior to the flight. If the customer purchased the insurance with the tickets they would received a 10% in the purchase of the insurance. This solution would provide a way to satisfy the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Uniformitarianism & Catastrophism Essay Example for Free

Uniformitarianism Catastrophism Essay Catastrophism refers to the idea that the features on the surface of the earth have been formed by natural disasters that occurred in the past. Contrary to this, uniformitarianism explains how geological processes taking place today in like ways, explain all geological processes on the earth, hence today‘s activities determine yesterday’s activities. It overlooks any chances of past occurrences impacting on the earth surface. Catastrophism seems to have tangible, empirical evidence in which case the sedimentary layers of fossils and rocks piling on the earth surface tend to suggest past activities. Also, eruption of mountains such as Mt. St. Helens (1980) presently supports the catastrophic notion. The issue of rock record entails an area going through change as a result of geologic processes where original rocks transform physically as well as chemically before the rocks are laid down. Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980 and according to the uniformitarianism view; such eruptions are as a result of rock transformation activities within the earth crust or due to water contained within the rocks, changing course. Also, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake which took life of more than eighty thousand citizens is thought to be as a result of rocks in the earth crust and the mantle sedimenting after long periods of activities in the past. The Indian Ocean tsunami which occurred in 2004 is attributable to rocks in the ocean undergoing physical as well chemical changes hence in the process; the surface of the ocean experienced the forces, in form of huge, powerful waves (Craig, 1983). Reference Craig, C. (1983). Uniformitarianistic linguistics, Stonington: Benjamins.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Looking At The Future Of Broadcasting

Looking At The Future Of Broadcasting Media and TV have changed a lot in those last 2O years but we may think that this change is going to be even faster and more important in the 2O next years. Of course the new media (internet) and the new technologies linked to the internet have completely changed peoples habits. We should not focus on emerging technologies but on emerging cultural practices. So in a first part, we are going to focus on the consumers behavior shift, and then, we are going to get a clear vision of how the future of broadcasting devices is developing according to current movements. Finally, in a third part we are going to expose the following issue: what will the relevant challenge of this multimedia environment transformation be? First, we want to focus on the consumers changing behavior concerning TV and so in this part, we are going to look at the consumers demands regarding TV and Medias. First of all, we can notice that today (and in the future also), consumers know exactly what they want and what they dont want. For example, they dont want so many TV commercials; they are getting fed up with these commercials. Indeed, nowadays people mainly watch TV during their spare time in order to relax and get entertainment. As a consequence, TV commercials are perceived as something boring and intrusive which deprives the viewer of his relaxing and entertaining time. To crown it all the commercials are becoming less efficient than before because people feel bored with them and prefer switching programs or moving to on-demand viewing because there, the commercials are not so numerous. Furthermore, consumers also want TV to become more and more convenient for them, they want and feel the need to have all the control on it and they dont have time to waste on it. We can speak here about time, place, control, money and attention shifting. Time shifting: people want television when it suits them. For instance, they want their programs to start at a convenient time for their schedules and not to adapt their schedules to the programs Place shifting: people want television the way they want it and where they want it. They want to be able to watch television everywhere and on whatever screen they want (TV, computer, smartphone, tabletà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) Control shifting: people want to be able to share, talk back, influence. They want to share and express their opinion about what they have watched Money shifting: people want to make a good deal, to have a real value for their money. Attention shifting: people want real values for their attention. Finally, consumers or viewers also want to have more and more choices and opportunities but with less and less time. So, in the future, TV will have to adapt to these new demands in order to seduce consumers. So now, after having considered the shift in the consumers behaviors we can take a look at the technological changes that have occurred in the last decades, these changes are going to be more and more relevant over time. There is no doubt, for instance concerning the importance of internet in the modern shift followed by media and consumers around broadcasting practices. After only two short decades, internet seems to be the most relevant media for a large part of the world. Indeed actual surveys show that internet took a growing part in peoples life; in 2002 internet was considered only by 20% as the essential media in their life instead of 33% in 2007; at the same time Radio has dropped from 26% to 17%. The technological improvements which have accompanied the revolution are numerous but they seem to be characterized by the same objective: to be more efficient to deliverer wherever or whenever the consumers want the information. In order to do so marketers and industrials put a lot of efforts to ease daily life; are we witnessing a technological convergence? Today, you can find in the same apparel TV program broadcasting, radio channel, and internet access to social network or newspaper apps. Thus you can decide, and be the only one who chooses what, when or where youre gone be able to be expose. However, nowadays, people are more likely to move around and be more active; consequently they are not obviously able to hold with the initial scheduling; so in order to counteract this time-shifting problem a lot of technologies enable the viewers to shift the viewing time thanks to simple acts. For example with the emergence of Pay-TV channel, or integrated recorder material the viewers dont have any more time restraint. Maybe in a little time we can believe that we will be able to use both technologies conjointly with mobile devices. In order to conclude this report we can focus on several main points and issues. First, If we can say that, money seems to be the sinews of war; and this one between advertisers and content owners seem to be difficult. Indeed it started 60 years ago with the tremendous event of the birth of television. The advertisers quickly understood that it was a really efficient means to communicate with potential consumers. Nowadays they are still expecting good return on investment, so they expect their messages to reach the largest audience. But today the entry of the PayTV distribution is going to change things. Contents owners are going to be able to target the audience with accuracy that is to say to aim at providing the viewers with the programs they really want in exchange of their money. And its in this context that TV contents owners are going to be more and more powerful. In fact contents owners are going to be able to become greedy because a result of a survey conducted by Nielsen/AIG and according to Jason KIla shows that :Hulus[a payTV distribution] video adver tising service is roughly 2x as effective as traditional TV video advertising services. Our point of view since 2007 has been that if we become the most effective video advertising service, then we could earn higher advertising revenues. As a consequence, we can easily think that in the future, broadcasting is going to be run by economic interests. Moreover, one possible issue with pay TV or TV on demand would be that customers will be able to watch exactly what they want, and so, we may think that the majority of people may like to watch movies or series in order to have fun and relaxation. As a consequence we could notice an increase of the Dallasification phenomena on the TV market because people are usually more seduced by the American programs for entertainment. Moreover, at the same time, people would watch less cultural programs. This phenomenon could lead to the end of the public TV broadcasting service because people would neglect cultural programs in favor of entertainment programs. This, means, that PBS will no longer insure its educating duty and therefore its role would be questionable. So now, one question can be raised: how will PBS adapt itself to the future in order to stay visible and useful to the viewers? Does it also mean that we are drawn into a purely commercial and selfish society which is going to be in terested only in entertainment and the current affairs that happen within its community?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sychoanalytic Theory And Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho Film Studies Essay

Sychoanalytic Theory And Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho Film Studies Essay The main concept of this essay is to point out how psychoanalytic theory could be used as a method of understanding and analyzing cultural products. The most valid approach for this is to observe how the cinema integrates psychoanalytical theories into specific film concepts. For this reason a Hitchcock film is used as an example, for it a common fact that there are many Freudian aspects in his movies. Specifically, Psycho is regarded by many film theorists and historians as the first psychoanalytic thriller (Kaganski as cited in Boulton, 2010). As implied by the title of the film, it is a movie whose plot is based on the Freudian Oedipus complex theory. First of all, it is noteworthy how the cinema developed a strong connection to psychoanalytic theories over the years. What is also interesting is the way in which a movie could be interpreted as a desire or a dreaming process. Moreover, in the second part of the essay, the correlation which Psycho has with psychoanalytical procedure is explored, in an effort to discover its kind and if it is actually the first psychoanalytic movie. Following a short presentation of the main plot, it is necessary to examine the nature of the Oedipus complex and how it is applied to the movie. Despite the fact that it remains the central psychoanalytic idea in the film, is not the only Freudian reference; the movie could also be interpreted through ego, superego and id psychoanalytic aspect. Finally, it is imperative to dissect the two protagonist characters and the famous murder scenes under the psychoanalytic perspective. CINEMA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS Cinema is considered to be among the most important institutions of the post modern society, one which serves numerous sociological purposes, through the use of art. The sociological perspective of cinema is but one side of the coin; the other side represents a more personal, more intimate psychoanalytical procedure. It is true that Freudian psychoanalysis is not a process concerned only with psychological models and consciousness. In modern society, psychoanalysis also constitutes a means of understanding works of great artistic and cultural values, such as cinematic films (Mertz, 1976). A movie could be experienced through the psychoanalytical lens in variety of diverse ways, such as the Freudian dream interpretation or as an object of our fantasy-desire (Lacan) or even as our identification through voyeurism (ibid). Freud characterizes the dream as the expression of a wish fulfilled; a movie could, conceivably, be seen as a dream, because on the screen we witness some of our desires being visualized. Spellbound and Marnie are two of Hitchcocks films that could be approached through the method of dream interpretation (Sandis, 2009). The history of the relation between psychoanalysis and cinema is divided into three periods. During the 30s, psychoanalysis became a familiar point of interest for the movie industry, although it was still somewhat superficial and had little to do with actual human behavior. After the Second World War, the references to psychoanalysis became even more apparent, because of the appearance of psychological problems. The Wars cinematic demonstration followed this optimistic evolution (Gale Dictionary of Psychoanalysis). Hitchcocks movies had a great impact in this certain period, mainly due to their deep connection with psychoanalytic concepts. Psycho (1960), North by Northwest (1959) or The birds (1963) are cultural works with oedipal themes in them. More recently psychoanalysis has been integrated in certain cinematic aspects as an objective cognitive method or even ridiculed method (for example in Woody Allens movie characters) (Gale Dictionary of Psychoanalysis). PSYCHO AND PSYCHOANALYSIS The movie is directed by Alfred Hitchcock and scripted by Joseph Stefano, who adapted the screenplay from the homonymous novel written by Robert Bloch. Blochs 1959 novel was based on the true story of a notorious psychotic serial killer, named Edward Gein. His murderous character has inspired many other serial killers such as Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill) in the Silence of the Lambs (1991) (Dirks). The movie had a great impact in the 60s and since then Hitchcock is considered as the original creator of suspense. Psycho is so multilayered and complex a movie, that it reveals more and more of its essence with each viewing. This explains why there is such a controversy about what genre of movie it is. The main theme is mystery and Hitchcock promotes it with his unique direction technique. When the film was aired in theaters, he insisted that no one would have a seat after the film had started. Thus, the audiences speculated that something terrible was happening in the first few minutes (Dirks). Psycho is considered a film noir because it shares some common characteristics with those films but, at the same time, remains very peculiar. Through the perspective that a film noir conjures a universe where human desire fails to be fulfilled, Psycho could be regarded as one of those films (Palmer, 1986). Lacans object petite a theory is referred to an unattainable desire, such as Normans desire for Marion (Laplanche, Pontalis, 1986). There is also another theory which makes Psycho the first psychoanalytical movie (Kaganski as cited in Boulton). Specifically, it starts as a whodunit, then it is transformed into a horror film and then into a suspense film with elements of very dark, black comedy. However, if one digs deeper, it inevitably becomes apparent that the film is undoubtedly psychological with specific Freudian interpretations. Francois Truffaut has said: If Psycho had been intended as a serious picture, it would have been shown as a clinical case with no mystery or suspense. The material would have been used as a documentation of a case history (Truffaut as cited in Sandis, 2009:69). In addition to this aspect, Hitchcock has mentioned Probably the real Psycho story wouldnt have been emotional at all; it wouldve been terribly clinical (Hitchcock as cited in Sandis, 2009:70). He was referring to the real incident of mother obsessed Ed Gein, who used to dress up like his dead mother and had murdered about a dozen women (Sandis, 2009). The psychoanalytical view of the movie is illustrated as a parallel between Lila Cranes exploration of the gothic mothers house and the exploration of Bates divided mind. The Freudian element, which explains the construction of Normans personality, defines the concept of the story. First of all, there is a traumatic incident (matricide) causing a transfer of guilt (translated on this occasion into the Oedipus complex). This, in turn, causes a partial loss of the self and a deep identification with the victim (ibid). The story unfolds from this Freudian perspective. Thus, it is evident that Psycho is structured according to the psychoanalytic procedure. THE STORY Marion Crane is a Phoenix office worker, whose life falls short of her expectations. She cant get married with her boyfriend, Sam because he has to provide most of his money in alimony. One Friday her employer confided to her to deposit $40,000. Thinking that this is a good opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town, headed towards Sams store in California. A heavy rainstorm forces her to spend the night at Bates motel. The motel is managed by Norman Bates, a young man who has a very domineering mother. During the night Marion decides to return the money the next morning. Unfortunately, while she is taking a shower, an anonymous figure enters and stabs her to death. After extensive research, it is revealed that Norman has kept his mother to life through his split personality. Dominated by his mothers personality, Norman kills anyone he feels attracted to. In the final scene, we find Norman in prison, haunted by his mothers persona, thinking of how to prove her/his innocence. OEDIPUS COMPLEX Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, who was exiled from his homeland by his father because of a prophecy. The prophecy foretold that Oedipus would murder his own father. After many years Oedipus decided to discover his origins and returned to Thebes, where he met his father and, unwittingly fulfilling the prophecy, killed him. Then he was made king of the Thebans and was rewarded with the hand of Jocasta, who was his mother. When Oedipus realized that he had fulfilled the prophecy by killing his own father and having children with his mother, he blinded himself (Willner, 1982). Oedipus Rex is a famous Sophocles ancient Greek tragedy, which has been interpreted by Freud as nothing more or less than a wish fulfillment- the fulfillment of the wish of our childhood (Freud as cited in Willner, 1982). Specifically, Freud believes that boys are all destined to direct their first sexual impulse toward their mothers and their violent impulses toward their father. Under the, so called, positive form the complex is appeared as Oedipus story: death wish for the opponent who is the person of the same sex, the father and sexual desire for the person of the opposite sex, the mother. The Oedipus complex is experienced from 3 to 5 years old and is revived during the adolescent period. The liberation from this complex has to do with the healthy structuring of the personality (Laplanche, Pontalis, 1986). If the boy does not repress his sexual desire toward the Mother and does not identify himself with the Father, he cannot develop a normal personality. It is considered that the Oedipus complex is the main psychoanalytic idea of the movie and Norman Bates is its modern atypical version (Boulton, 2010). According to the films ending psychiatric speech: Now he was already dangerously disturbed, had been ever since his father died. His mother was a clinging, demanding woman, and for years the two of them lived as if there was no one else in the world. Then she met a manà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and it seemed to Norman that she threw him over. Now that pushed him over the line and he killed them both (Boulton, 2010). Norman Bates did not manage to overcome his unconscious sexual desire toward his mother and acted out his also unconscious drive of killing the Father. That explains why the mother half of Normans mind has won (Boulton, 2010: 2). Psychiatrist Dr. Richmond illustrates that Norman has sexual desires for an attractive woman as normal men have, but his split personality does not allow him to develop a normal sexual intercourse. He explains to Lila (Marions sister) that When he (Norman) met your sister, he was touched by herà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦aroused by her. He wanted her. That set off the jealous mother and mother killed the girl! Now after the murder, Norman returned as if from a deep sleep. And like a dutiful son, covered up all traces of the crime he was convinced his mother had committed! (ibid: 2) Norman, driven by envy, killed his mother and her lover. In other words, he committed the crime of matricide, which is considered the most heinous and unpardonable crime and is especially unbearable for the son who commits it (Dirks). Trying to erase the crime in his own mind, he developed a split personality. As a result, he created an illusion that his mother was still alive. To make this illusion a physical reality, he stole her dead body and preserved it, using his taxidermist skills. In his delusional mind he played-acted and imagined that he was his mother and that she was as pathologically jealous of him as he was of her (ibid). In this way, he was acting as his mother and committed murders due to her jealousy. It is evident that he chose this horrific way to redeem himself from the matricide. EGO, SUPEREGO, ID Freud divided the human mind into three conflicting parts: the ego, the superego and the id. The ego rests between the id and the superego and provides us with a sense of self. It has to build a balanced relationship of dependency between the demands of the id and the imperatives of the superego (Laplanche, Pontalis, 1986). The id is comprised of innate biological drives, emotional impulses, instincts and dispositions. On the contrary, the ego is made up of those mental phenomena related to whatever environmental considerations constrain the id (Freud calls these the reality principle). For example, the basic id drive is hunger and it is constrained by ego beliefs about what food is available where (Sandis, 2009). Finally, the superego plays a role similar to that of a judge. Freud considers the moral consciousness, self-observation and the development of moral values and ideals as expressions of the superego. The superego is defined as the heir of the Oedipus complex in terms of par ental demands and prohibitions (Laplanche, Pontalis, 1986). Observing Norman Bates character through this theory, it is evident that he does not develop a strong enough ego in order to keep under control the powerful urges of both the id and the superego. Subsequently, the id and the superego manifest themselves as completely different personalities (Boulton, 2010). His sexual desire for Marion represents his id and her murder (murder of the sexual desire for Marion) represents an extreme expression of his superego. Norman Bates never detached himself from his mother and identified himself with the Father. Therefore he did not assimilate into what Lacan terms the symbolic order, the interconnected system of signs that every society constructs meaning and order around (Zizek as cited in Boulton 2010:2). Normans symbolic level is psychotic, so the superego acts in different ways. As Zizek (cited in Boulton, 2010:2) emphasized, it is the maternal superego that acts and dominates his mind. At times he can become both personalities. But most of the times the mother half put his mind under control. Freud compared the human mind to an iceberg. The tiny part of the iceberg, which appears above the water surface possibly, represents human perception. Below the surface lies a much darker, larger part of the iceberg representing the unconscious. There is no evidence if Hitchcock has ever come across the iceberg metaphor but he would have found it inspiring. Like Freud Hitchcock present us a certain familiar and ordinary picture that we are prepared to see (like the pick of the iceberg- conscious) but whose precise shape is always novel (the other part of the iceberg-unconscious). He also chose for his movies, ladies that appear cold as ice in order to reveal their oppressed thoughts and desires (Sandis, 2009). It is charming in terms of cinema suspense, for secret or repressed thoughts to rise to the surface. (Sandis, 2009) Furthermore, Slavoj Zizek (2005) compares the old, gothic house to the segmented personality of Norman Bates. The ground floor represents the ego and there he behaves as a normal son. The first flour represents the superego, where Norman is governed by the moral constrains of his mother. Finally the basement represents the id, the reservoir of the illicit drives of the psyche thats why his mothers skeleton is transferred there. The transfer of his mothers dead body from the first flour to the basement illustrates the deep connection of the id and the superego in Normans split personality. The exploration of the house is like a psychoanalytic process. Lila entered Normans bedroom and observed his personal items, which were a combination of childrens (boys and girls items) and adults things (signifying his disturbed personality) (Dirks). CHARACTERS Marion symbolizes the repressed woman of the modern America of the 60s, who tries to be emancipated. Judging from her sexual intercourses with her lover during lunch times in secret hotel rooms, one could say that she appears as an independent woman. On the other hand, she gets the money and leaves town, which means that she wants a different life, maybe more conventional, having a successful marriage. Normans character is the mirror-negative of Marion. She operates in the Name of the Father; Norman on the other hand, has not submitted to this paternal law and is entrapped in the desire of the mother' (Zizek as cited in Boulton, 2010). This theory is supported in terms of direction. As they stand together on the porch, the camera photographs the scene as if they were the two sides of the same coin, but Norman is also reflected in the glass window behind him (symbolizes his split personality) (Dirks). Norman Bates could be considered as a good looking, boyishly version of Sam (Marions boyfriend). As their encounter develops, however, this possibility is eradicated because it becomes obvious that he is not capable of adult sexuality, being held in sexual bondage with his mother (Palmer, 1986). As he mentions: -Norman: Do you know what I think? I think that were all in our private traps. Clamped in them. And none of us can ever get out. We scratch and claw, but only at the air, only at each other. And for all of it we never budge an inch. -Marion: Sometimes we deliberately step into those traps. (Psycho, 1960) Each of them gives different meaning to the word trap. Trap for Marion is the theft of the money or maybe her relationship with Sam. For a moment Norman seems that he speaks frankly, being conscious of his fragmented psyche. Unfortunately, after the discourse only Marion is capable of being subject to moral self-examination, deciding to return the money next morning. MURDER SCENES The shower murder scene is among the most famous in the history of cinema. The major film star-Marion- is stabbed to death after the first 47 minutes of the movies start. Even if someone has not seen the movie, he has undoubtedly seen this specific scene. It took a fully week to complete, using 70 cameras, fast cut editing of 78 film pieces and a naked stand in model (Marli Renfo) (Dirks). Despite the fact that it is one of the most jargonistic and violent scenes there is only implied violence because at no time does the knife penetrate into her body. In only instant one the knife touches her belly (ibid). However, it is the scene that made females, including Janet Leigh (Marion) not being able to take a shower for a very long time (Sullivan, 2006). Murdering Marion while she was taking a shower with a knife is not a coincidental choice. On the contrary it has a deeper meaning in terms of direction and psychoanalysis. Until that moment, Marion was the main protagonist of the film and the epicenter of the plot was her feeling guilty for thieving the money. Taking a shower, the water washes away her guilt and rejuvenates her (Dirks). There is an irony here, at the moment she was relieved someone entered and took her life violently. Moreover, the knife in Freudian terms is a phallic symbol. In this weird and abnormal way, Norman satisfied both his desires: the jealousy of his mother and his own desire, penetrating into the female body, using his knife. Marions dead body is standing on the cold floor, mixed with ejaculatory spurts of blood dripping down her legs from various gashes, which symbolizes a violent and deadly rape (ibid). Zizek with his documentary The Perverts Guide to Cinema (2005) underlines that after Marions murder the spectator identifies with Norman Bates persona. Suddenly the spectator is anxious of cleaning up Marions blood from the bathroom and of getting rid of her car in the swamp, relating to our satisfaction with a job well done. Suspense is generated when, whilst Norman Bates is disposing of Marions car (containing her body) in a nearby swamp, the car momentarily stops sinking, an anxiety arises in the viewer (Zizek as cited in Boulton, 2010). The suspense here deals with the spectators unconscious identification with Bates. This identification has to do with Hitchcocks use of gaze, the Hippolytuss gaze. This gaze is not a seen gaze, but a gaze visualized by the Self in the field of the Others idiosyncrasy. Everything is not observed just through the others eyes but through the others personal feelings. The gaze is not the Others glance as such, but the way this glance concerns me, the way the subject sees him/herself affected by it as to his/her desire (Zizek,1992:214). The second murder scene, the murder of detective Arbogast is more predictable. The fascination of the first murder diverts our attention from the second murder. Everything that happens before the murder act seems to announce it. When Arbogast enters the mothers house and stands at the staircase, the audience immediately feel that something terrible is going to happen. However, the suspense here has to do again with this weird immoral identification of the audience with Norman. The spectator desires Arbogast to be killed (Zizek as cited in Boulton, 2010). There is a noticeable aesthetic differentiation between the two murders, which is related to the symbolic split of the movies narrative (ibid). Marions murder still being in the Name-of-the father symbolic realm, it takes place in a motel room, which highlights the aesthetic of an anonymous modern America. On the other hand, Arbogasts death takes place in mothers house which represents American tradition, in the desire of the mother symbolic space (ibid). CONCLUSIONS It is evident that psychoanalytic theory is strongly related to the cinema. Specifically, in Hitchcocks films the Freudian theoretical models are considered as a main pattern of his movies structure. Hitchcock himself has admitted when he was interviewed by Francois Truffaut: -F.T.: I saw Spellbound again recently and I must admit that I didnt care very much for the scenario. -A.H.: Well, its just another manhunt story wrapped up in pseudo-psychoanalysisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Sandis, 2009:65) He might not have taken the subconscious too seriously and in his personal life he avoided doctors of the mind, as he had admitted, however, it is known that the famous director was not unfamiliar with psychoanalytic Freudian theories (Sandis, 2009). Nowadays the use of psychoanalytic theoretical models in cinema is the norm. It is not just a specialized knowledge that concerns a particular audience anymore; it is also used as a method of creating artistic, cultural products. On the other hand, not only cinema uses psychoanalytical procedure as a tool of creativity, but also cinema could be used through psychoanalytical process as a method of manipulation and control (Tania, 1968). There is a strong interaction between cinema and psychoanalysis. Members of the Frankfurt School believe that cinema is used through psychoanalysis in order to create various forms of easy, false pleasure as a way to keep the audience unaware of the real major social existing problems (ibid). This argument has some truth to a limited extent but there are also many examples which underline that cinema, using the psychoanalytical process, emphasizes serious sociological problems. However, whatever the purpose of using the psychoanalysis, the point is tha t psychoanalytical theories have a strong connection with the creation of literary or cinematic products.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay on The Holy Bible - Book of Job as an Attempt to Justify the Acti

The Book of Job: An Attempt to Justify the Actions of a Omnipotent, Childlike God  Ã‚   The Book of Job from the Old Testament is a story in which an attempt is made by the Hebrew author to justify the unjustifiable actions of a seemingly malevolent god. The questioning by Job as to why the "good" must suffer is induced by a childish challenge, put forth by Satan and accepted by God, to test the loyalty of Job toward God. The uncharacteristic actions of a supposedly omni benevolent God must be justified in the eyes of his followers, and in the process of doing so, God is made to look like nothing more than an omnipotent child. The Book of Job can be separated into four natural divisions. For the sake of simplicity one must analyze each section separately. The first section is comprised of chapters one and two and contains the challenge made to God by Satan. The second section of the book, chapters three through thirty-seven, contains Job's questioning of God's conduct and the attempt to account for these actions by the three men known as the "Comforters"; Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Chapters thirty-eight through forty-two are the third section. These chapters are where one finds a dialogue between God and Job in which God explains the rationale behind his actions. The forth and final section of The Book of Job is found at the end of chapter forty-two and is the attempt at justification of God's actions. The work can be analyzed more effectively when one looks at each of these sections individually. In section one God is issued a challenge by Satan. God tells Satan, "Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man..." God is "rubbing it in" to Satan and telling hi... ...did not resist Satan's temptation. By not knowing Job would curse him, God disproved omniscience. The cruelty on the part of God, justified or not, is confirmation against omni benevolence. God's actions are not only out of the presupposed nature associated with and taught, but they also show God to be childlike in his actions. God plays a game with the life of Job and later thinks he can make everything better by giving Job twice as much as he had before. These are not the actions or attitude of a perfect entity. The Book of Job is a failed attempt at the justification of the unjustifiable acts of the Christian God. The questions asked by Job as to why the "good" must suffer are eternal. Although written in the Fifth Century BC, the questions are still being posed today. Although a failed attempt, the book is still a relevant and entertaining piece of literature.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mission Review :: essas papers

Mission Review Hello Agent 42701, by the looks of it, I see you have grown quite weary of your post. Not to worry, the agency has new plans for you, a change of pace. We have decided in setting a matter of utmost importance to national security your way. Your impeccable record, highly expansive educational background, and comprehensive training in espionage make you the agency’s only choice for this matter. It has come to the attention of the agency that an underground syndicate, also known as Admissions, has brainwashed educational authorities in the state of Florida into allowing the cartel to enter Florida colleges and universities and gather highly sensitive data. Admissions have put themselves in a position to deny high school seniors entry to the graduate school of their choice. Admissions is accomplishing this task through a ploy known as the â€Å"Application Essay† or AP. The agency is most interested in the information that Admissions has gathered through the FSU division. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate Admissions and assume the identity of a reviewer. While undercover analyze all documents as any other Admissions reviewer would. Your priority is to gather Intel on one particular student, for security reasons we shall refer to this student as Mister Cheeks. Mr. Cheeks is believed to be of particular interest to Admissions due to his superior writing techniques, vast intelligence, mathematical mastery, and scientific gift. An Admissions henchmen known only to us as "The Big Boss" is holding the AP of Mr. Cheeks. Your task is to entice The Big Boss using any means you deem as necessary to gain her trust, and the trust of Admissions, when access is acquired to Mr. Cheeks’ AP produce a copy. Agent 42701, this is a high-risk operation. An elite agent, Cherry Maraciano, was apprehended two weeks ago while infiltrating Admissions. Cherry was able to access Mr. Cheeks writing portfolio and give us her review of it before being captured, she was unable to secure a copy of Mr. Cheeks’ AP. This is the information Cherry was able to relay before she was seized: Admissions security is minimal; here is what I have learned of Mr. Cheeks. His discipline and attendance records are similar of those of any regular scholar finishing high school. Don’t be fooled he is no regular scholar, Mr.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Technology, Criminal Investigations, and Ethics :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Abstract  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper discusses several implementations of modern technology in criminal investigations, and the ethical issues that accompany these techniques, focusing on the tradeoff between security and privacy. Specific topics include centralization of information, telecommunications, and general technology. Cases are cited for each topic, as well as a discussion of the ethical issues involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the advent of modern technologies, the face of criminal investigations, and indeed daily life, has been irrevocably altered. In addition to locating criminals with ease, authorities now have the ability to monitor potential criminals before they can commit crimes. However, with an increased ability to detect comes an inevitable tradeoff in privacy. To monitor society as a whole is to monitor both the innocent and the guilty. Phases of sudden change imply a period of social adaptation, namely debates centered on the 4th amendment and personal privacy. Cases related to the 4th amendment reflect the difficult application of 200 year-old principles to a changing society, while the latter examine the tradeoff between privacy and protection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite a large number of high-profile cases surrounding general technology and criminal investigations, the majority of advancements in the field have been undeniably beneficial to the law enforcement community. Ballistics, the study of dynamics of projectiles, has aided authorities in tracing countless criminals. By maintaining a record of firearm and ammunition types, sources, and characteristics, investigators are given an invaluable tool in collecting information about crimes. The recent advent of DNA testing and analysis allows for incontrovertible identification of individuals. Traces as insubstantial as fingernails, hair, and skin cells can place an individual at the scene of a crime. Police who are equipped with laptop computers can instantly look up the history of a vehicle, including whether it was reported as stolen or owned by an individual with outstanding warrants. Many innovations have indisputably aided criminal investigat ion without causing controversy. However, there have been a multitude of technologies that have incited oversensitive privacy advocates. Centralization of information is one concept that has provoked debate. Large databases can contain information about an entire state or country, which has been done for years in paper form. The distinction is that when information takes electronic form, its location is often indeterminate and the data is prone to corruption or piracy. Given the potential to integrate information about an individual into a single record, there is reason to worry about misuse. Technology, Criminal Investigations, and Ethics :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Abstract  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper discusses several implementations of modern technology in criminal investigations, and the ethical issues that accompany these techniques, focusing on the tradeoff between security and privacy. Specific topics include centralization of information, telecommunications, and general technology. Cases are cited for each topic, as well as a discussion of the ethical issues involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the advent of modern technologies, the face of criminal investigations, and indeed daily life, has been irrevocably altered. In addition to locating criminals with ease, authorities now have the ability to monitor potential criminals before they can commit crimes. However, with an increased ability to detect comes an inevitable tradeoff in privacy. To monitor society as a whole is to monitor both the innocent and the guilty. Phases of sudden change imply a period of social adaptation, namely debates centered on the 4th amendment and personal privacy. Cases related to the 4th amendment reflect the difficult application of 200 year-old principles to a changing society, while the latter examine the tradeoff between privacy and protection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Despite a large number of high-profile cases surrounding general technology and criminal investigations, the majority of advancements in the field have been undeniably beneficial to the law enforcement community. Ballistics, the study of dynamics of projectiles, has aided authorities in tracing countless criminals. By maintaining a record of firearm and ammunition types, sources, and characteristics, investigators are given an invaluable tool in collecting information about crimes. The recent advent of DNA testing and analysis allows for incontrovertible identification of individuals. Traces as insubstantial as fingernails, hair, and skin cells can place an individual at the scene of a crime. Police who are equipped with laptop computers can instantly look up the history of a vehicle, including whether it was reported as stolen or owned by an individual with outstanding warrants. Many innovations have indisputably aided criminal investigat ion without causing controversy. However, there have been a multitude of technologies that have incited oversensitive privacy advocates. Centralization of information is one concept that has provoked debate. Large databases can contain information about an entire state or country, which has been done for years in paper form. The distinction is that when information takes electronic form, its location is often indeterminate and the data is prone to corruption or piracy. Given the potential to integrate information about an individual into a single record, there is reason to worry about misuse.

Flannery o conners writings

Writings For readers why are not familiar with Flannels O' Connors writings, they tend give the reader emotional devastation because If all the gothic elements such as the violence and the messed up religious elements. The short stories that she creates give off an uncongenial feeling and possesses the readers feelings towards the stories. Many of these stones have both violence and religious aspects to them.Fate plays a big role In the stories climaxes. Either the mall character or the antagonists encounter what seems to be fate and start off violent but end up as If they saw the errors of their ways or felt as of a higher power has accepted them. In the end of AGAINST the characters encounter the misogynist right after they crash. They meet him by fate. Fate is not always a good thing. Later on the violence in the story happens when the whole family is murdered by them.The antagonist in this story understands that what he did is not right and he can act as a Christ figure because h e brought the thoughts of people out of them as if they were confessing something to him. In The Circle in the Fire the antagonists violently burn down everything around the barn, and then danced around it as if they felt like they needed to do and if a higher power has accepted them. The impact her endings give off are disastrous and thought provoking leaving the reader in awe.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Essay

In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the author takes us on a journey with Holden Caulfield, a sixteen-year-old boy, going in and out of many boarding schools. When he gets kicked out of Pencey the story begins. In fear of coming home to his parents, Holden takes a trip to New York; which leaves him at the point of mental, physical, and emotional insanity. As the novel goes on his obsession with keeping children from losing their purity grows. The adult world seems fake, and Holden does not respect people who made the transition. In Gerald Rosen’s â€Å"A Retrospective Look At The Catcher In The Rye† he explores Holden’s connection to other characters in the book. He also analyzes the difficulties in crossing over to the adult world. Holden qualms the crossing over due to the fact that losing one’s innocence will force one to face reality, and will at times cause adults to â€Å"fall† into a deeper hole. Holden’s mania of keeping children from transitioning to adult hood shows all throughout The Catcher in the Rye. Rosen explains that during the period of time Holden was in the museum he made it known that everything always stayed the same. The purpose of the â€Å"glass cases† acts as a defense against touching, or tainting. â€Å"Like the children in the museum, to protect the innocent, the catcher must strictly refrain from touching; he must ‘just leave them alone’’’ (Rosen). This moment in the book compares the protected artifacts to the innocence of a child. He feels that if the children had someone to protect them from getting affected (â€Å"touched†) by the hard and cruel times in life they could hold onto their purity for as long as possible. Holden expresses the fact that he wants ensure security and stability during these times in life. This point seems to be the first point in the novel where Holden shows a desire to keep children from corruption. â€Å"Anyway, I keep picturing all these kids playing some game in the big field of rye and all†¦What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start going over the cliff† (Salinger 173). Holden wants to â€Å"catch† the kids from their transition into an adult. He does not want them having to deal with losses they will have to overcome in life. He believes that going into adulthood marks the point where society shows its true face. Since Allie, Holden brother’s, death he sees how reality twists and warps in sick ways. While walking around the museum he sees profanity. â€Å"I went down by a different staircase, and I saw another ‘Fuck You’ on the wall. I tried to rub it off with my hand again, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. It wouldn’t come off. It’s hopeless, anyway. If you had a million years to do it in, you couldn’t rub out even half of the ‘Fuck You’ signs in the world. It’s impossible† (Salinger 173).When Holden see those words written on the wall he realizes that the youth has already gone through exposure to corruption and cannot go backwards. Holden now understands his inability to save the children from â€Å"falling†, growing up. Since Holden has spent most of his time refraining other from going into adulthood, he did not see how much he himself has fallen. Holden has many similar qualities to a former classmate, James Castle. â€Å"Holden is identified with Castle by Castle’s having killed himself while wearing Holden’s sweater and by Castle’s appearing just before Holden on the roll call and school. This carries the implication that Holden maybe next in line for Castle’s death† (Rosen). James Castle’s way of and to death influenced Holden’s view of life. He suddenly became ostracized in society surrounded by a bunch of â€Å"phonies†. Death was the start and end of Holden’s loss of innocence. Holden never truly had an adult figure in life. His parents detached themselves from him, in times of his need. Feeling like he needed to communicate with someone he called his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. Holden wants to catch children from falling, where as Mr. Antolini wants to save Holden from a rough way down. â€Å"I have a feeling that you’re falling, a terrible,terrible fall† (Salinger 186).Mr. Antolini says this because ever since Allie’s death Holden has had a series of falls. Even though Allie was younger than Holden, he idolized him and thinks very highly of him. Mr. Antolini symbolizes Holden’s loss of Allie, loneliness, and inability to posess self-esteem. Holden wants to provide insurance for children so they do not experience the reality of society and from â€Å"falling† into a deeper hole. Making sure he succeeds, he does everything to keep them from going over the edge. Holden grows up through the novel, and realized that losing one’s innocence in is an unavoidable part of life. In this stage of life one makes the most mistakes and learns from them. If one never went through experience necessary to grow into an adult, they would seem very naà ¯ve and easily taken advantage of. People that have gone through the difficult crossing over want to protect children from the hard-ships. Works Cited Rosen, Gerald. â€Å"A Retrospective Look At The Catcher In The Rye.† American Quarterly 457-462 Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Company Background of Broadway Circuit

Broadway Cinema was first established in the 1950s and was rebuilt in the existing location, Sai Yeung Choi St. , Mongkok, in 1987. Thereafter, Broadway Circuit has gradually developed to nowadays the largest cinema circuit in Hong Kong. Being operated by Edko Films Ltd, the circuit consists of 11cinemas across the territory, covering all the major locations in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.By the 53 screens we offer, their customers are able to choose from a wide range of movies upon their tastes and interests. Since 1999, Broadway Circuit has launched www. cinema. com. hk, which provides updated movie information and a platform for movie discussion. Inquiry hotline and email address were also set up to enhance customer communication for improving our service. Internet ticketing and phone ticketing services were launched from 2000 onwards. Moviegoers can select their favorable seat anytime at their convenience. dsfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsm,nds,m fnds,m fnsdm,fnm,sdn fm,dnsmgnbs n mgb mn sfdbgm nfb sgnmbfdmnfbdgmnbs fdm, ngbfdmn b smn,bg mn fd bsg mnf s dbg mnds Archaeological studies support a human presence in the Chek Lap Kok area from 35,000 to 39,000 years ago, and in Sai Kung Peninsula from 6,000 years ago. [44][45][46] Wong Tei Tung and Three Fathoms Cove are the two earliest sites of human habitation in the Palaeolithic period. It is believed the Three Fathom Cove was a river valley settlement and Wong Tei Tung was a lithic manufacturing site.Excavated Neolithic artefacts suggest cultural differences from the Longshan culture in northern China and settlement by the Che people prior to the migration of the Baiyue. [47][48] Eight petroglyphs were discovered on surrounding islands, which dated to the Shang Dynasty in China. [49] In 214 BC, Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, conquered the Baiyue tribes in Jiaozhi (modern Liangguang region) and incorporated the territory into imperial China for the first time. Modern Hon g Kong is located in Nanhai commandery (modern Nanhai District) and near the ancient capital city Pun Yue. 50][51][52] The area was consolidated under the kingdom of Nanyue, founded by general Zhao Tuo in 204 BC after the Qin Dynasty collapsed. [53] When the kingdom was conquered by Emperor Wu of Han in 111 BC, the land was assigned to the Jiaozhi commandery under the Han Dynasty. Archaeological evidence indicates the population increased and early salt production flourished in this time period. Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb in the Kowloon Peninsula is believed to have been built during the Han Dynasty. [54] During the Tang Dynasty period, the Guangdong region flourished as a regional trading center.In 736, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang established a military town in Tuen Mun to defend the coastal area in the region. [55] The first village school, Li Ying College, was established around 1075 in the New Territories under the Northern Song Dynasty. [56] During the Mongol invasion in 1276, the Sout hern Song Dynasty court moved to Fujian, then to Lantau Island and later to Sung Wong Toi (modern Kowloon City), but the child Emperor Huaizong of Song committed suicide by drowning with his officials after being defeated in the Battle of Yamen.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Baldwin Norman

The profundity of silence is a theme that plays a significant role in the works â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† by James Baldwin and â€Å" ’night, Mother† by Marsha Norman. The two tales represent confessions by family members that uncover the profound effect that each person’s communication method has had on the other. In particular, one identifies a lack of communication within both family relationships that demonstrates itself in an overabundance of silence.Baldwin’s tale recounts the woes of a certain brother who feels himself somehow responsible for the tragic events that have faced his younger sibling, and it portrays a relationship that lacks effective communication. Likewise, Norman portrays a family that has spent its usefulness in the avoidance of conversation. She eventually reveals the inadequacies of the mother who is at last unable to rescue her child from the pressures that cause her to contemplate death as the only acceptable option.The protagonists of each story find themselves in family relationships that fall short of the support necessary to prevent each from receding beyond the point of recovery. The tale rehashed in Marsha Norman’s play â€Å" ‘night, Mother† explores the hopelessness that leads to suicide, and in so doing, closely maps the psychological condition of the character Jessie (Whited 65). It takes the analysis of the situation into the realm of the family and considers that cocoon to be the engine that generates and exacerbates the problem Jessie faces. The â€Å"problem† is given its lineage in the relationships experienced by the members of the family.The relationships appear to be filled with action and devoid of communication. Of her own culpability, Mama says, â€Å"I didn’t tell you things or I married you off to the wrong man or I took you in and let your life get away from you or all of it put together† (lines 611-613). This circumstance points tow ard an overemphasizing of action and the downplaying of the type of conversation that allows true feelings to come to the fore. Jessie also recalls the silence of her father, and Norman hints that this silence has for the past decades stabilized or subdued the appearance of Jessie’s mental condition.Yet, this same silence has perhaps created the environment in which her mental or psychological illness has been allowed to germinate (Whited, 67). The idea that Jessie breaks her silence precisely at that hour in which her mental condition has become overwhelming and irreparable gives the idea that the lack of communication within her family setting may actually have been to her detriment. The exploration of the relationship between the narrator and his brother Sonny in James Baldwin’s â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† also represents a crisis of silence and suffocation within a family setting.This family in which Sonny resides also betrays a tendency toward continual act ion that precludes the kind of conversation which might have allowed the brothers to truly understand each other. Without understanding Sonny, the narrator (his brother) and their mother make plans to protect him for the rest of his life. They encourage him to live in situations that are not conducive to his spirited nature, such as his residence with Isabel while his brother goes off to war. Yet the silence Sonny endures, like that of Jessie, has the appearance of being his preferred mode of existence.The narrator says, â€Å"Sonny has never been talkative,† yet he goes on to say something more insightful that hints at the true desires that Sonny has always had. He continues, â€Å"So I don’t know why I was sure he’d be dying to talk to me when supper was over the first night† (Baldwin, 8). This hints at the underlying idea that though silence prevailed within the family, probing by his brother and mother might have dispelled both the silence and the dis mal circumstances that later defined Sonny’s life.Literary analyst Tracey Sherard writes: â€Å"the narrator comes to understand his brother Sonny through the latter’s apparent struggle to strike out into the deep, unexplored waters of jazz improvisation† (691). Therefore, it is only through the music that Sonny’s brother is able to communicate with and understand him in the end. Comparisons between the two tragic characters of the stories, Sonny and Jessie, can be made in regard to their life choices. The two characters can be seen to choose silence during the early years of their lives, and this might be connected to another form of silence throughout the later stages of their lives.Sonny’s choice of life has led him to heroin, and this dangerous drug might be considered one that paves a path to death in a manner that is very similar to the suicide that Jessie contemplates. Both characters, therefore, choose suicide as the only means of silencing the worries and discontent of their lives. Jessie expresses a desire to sleep â€Å"whenever she wanted to, just by closing her eyes† (line 637), and this she has not been able to do since she was a â€Å"pink and fat† baby (639-40). This choice to commit suicide is therefore an extension of the idea of closing one’s eyes to problems of life.Sonny, in a similar way, chooses to close his eyes to his problems via his use of heroin. And likewise, the extension of this action (continued heroin use) is precisely concurrent with the death that Jessie so openly craves. Jessie’s mother, who desires not death, says â€Å"I’m not like you, Jessie. I hate the quiet and I don’t want to die† (lines 626-27) and this juxtaposition of death and quietness underscores the idea that the death desired by Jessie and Sonny can be seen also to be a form of silence.The motif of silence can be carried through even further within the analysis of the stories t old by these authors. During the few short moments before her death, Jessie takes a break from her silence to explain the essence of it to her mother. Within this time she uncovers all the pain that her silence has embodied for the years preceding (Whited, 67). She also enumerates the problems that her ensuing death will hope to silence within her. This moment of conversation can be compared to (and in fact prefigures) the bullet that breaks for a split second the silence that has defined Jessie’s life.It also effects the reconstruction of that silence by guaranteeing its continuation in death. Death guarantees not only that the disappointments and fears in Jessie’s psyche will be quieted, but also that the events that have generated or exacerbated these problems will also cease to trouble her. The forms of silence to which Sonny subscribes are heroin (as has been uncovered above) and music. While heroin promises to lead him toward that final and inexorable death of th e body, music provides a spiritual release for him that also provides an effective (if temporary) silence from his turmoil.Sonny’s escape to music as a means of silencing his demons can be compared to the way his brother describes their father as being â€Å"on the lookout for ‘something a little better. ’† Yet he goes on to say that his father â€Å"died before he found it† (Baldwin, 8). Sonny, too, looks to music as a form of escape—a means of quieting his dissatisfaction with his circumstances, a way of searching for something better. While as a youth he annoyed Isabel’s family with his constant piano playing, everyone was able to sense that â€Å"Sonny was at that piano playing for his life† (16).The piano’s music silenced not only the troubles that haunted his mind, but also the voices of hoodlums and vagrants on the street that would have called him into a life of crime and dissipation. It was, in fact, the eventual silencing of the piano by the screams of Isabel’s family that precipitated the demise that his music had been holding at bay. This re-establishes and supports the idea that music was a means of silencing the call of the inner city life and pressures that threatened to overtake Sonny in his youth.The lives and relationships explored within â€Å"’Night, Mother† and â€Å"Sonny’s Blues,† as told by Marsha Norman and James Baldwin respectively, speak loudly and portray vividly a distinct and almost impenetrable silence that enveloped the main characters. For Jessie, silence has been the defining characteristic of her relationship between her father during both his life and his death. During his life, he demonstrated his love with actions, and while Jessie appeared to be comfortable in that silence, the very essence of it provided the environment in which her psychological demise germinated and matured.Her mother, though disliking silence, has rarely been able penetrate Jessie’s, and this proves to facilitate the more permanent form of silence to which she graduates: that of death. Sonny too experiences silence within his relationships—a silence that becomes extended and embodies by the activities of his life. He refuses to speak to his family, silencing the discomfiture with music or heroin. Like Jessie, Sonny’s major life decisions place him on a path toward the ultimate silence: death. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Sonny’s Blues. † Wright State University.1957. Online Text. http://www. wright. edu/~alex. macleod/winter06/blues. pdf Norman, Marsha. â€Å"’Night, Mother. † Literature: Reading, Writing, Reacting. Laurie G. Kirzner & Stephen Mandell (Eds). 4th Ed. New York: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. 1708-1743. Sherard, Tracey. â€Å"Sonny’s Bebop: Baldwin’s ‘Blues Text’ as Intracultural Critique. † African American Review. Vol. 32, Iss ue 4. (Winter 1998): 691-705. Whited, Lana A. â€Å"Suicide in Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart and Marsha Norman's ‘night, Mother. † Southern Quarterly 36 (Fall 1997): 65-74.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Stateless People - Illegal immigrants in the U.S Essay

Stateless People - Illegal immigrants in the U.S - Essay Example Alternatively, immigration can also be referred to instances where an individual who was previously granted a legal entry into a country stays longer than the stipulated time that he/she was allowed. Illegal immigration may also occur when the immigrants goes against the laws that they were admitted with into that particular country this maybe through the acts of engaging in illegal activities or any other action that contravenes the immigration laws of that nation. (LeMay, 2007).2 Most advanced economies nations are often faced with the problem of illegal immigration into their borders some of the immigrants end up in illegal activities like drug peddling or even terrorist attacks which negatively impact the homeland security of those specific nations. Moreover, it is also common place for these countries to receive visitors from other countries who come on visitation purposes but in the long run end up staying longer that they were legally granted thus turning out to be illegal immigrants. USA is known to be a destination for smuggling of human beings especially through the border with Mexico whereby people from as far as Latin America utilizes that route to gain access to the country with the hope of a better life owing to the stable economic condition that America has enjoyed for a considerable period of time. The issue of immigration has been so rife given the increased numbers of illegal immigration that take place across the borders annually and the federal government has to spend a considerable amount of the taxpayers money to arrest prosecute and even deport those immigrants to their respective countries of origin (Kenney, 2008).3 Illegal immigrants who cross into the territory of the United States if America are often undocumented people thus are regarded as stateless since they do not conform to any particular governing body. In essence, they are not

Monday, August 12, 2019


THE IMPACT OF THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE TURNOVER WITHIN A RETAIL ENVIRONMENT - Essay Example The study will measure quantifiably by use of assessment tools. The research question is: Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to by granting individualized attention to their followers, considering their needs and abilities, playing an especially important role in the followers† growth and development (Robbins & Judge, 2005; Zacharatos, Barling, & Kelloway, 2000). Idealized influence: A form of leadership behavior that results in leaders becoming role models for their followers. The leaders are admired, respected and trusted. Followers identify with the leaders and wish to emulate them (Bass & Avolio, 1993) In idealized influence, behaviour of the leaders is very influential and it makes the followers to walk on the path chosen by the leaders. Thus the leaders are followed willingly by the people. Inspirational motivation: Leadership behaviors that motivate and inspire followers in their work by providing a challenging work environment. Leaders provoke followers to imagine an attractive future for themselves (Bass & Avolio, 1993) Intellectual stimulation: Strategy the results in followers becoming more innovative and creative within an organization. (Bass & Avolio, 1993) The characteristic of Intellectual Stimulation in the leaders exposes his or her ability to stimulate the intellectual capacity of the people. Those who are really genius and their intellectuality and knowledge is definitely a blessing for the attainment of the organizational goals then the leaders motivate such people to use their intellectual potentials for the growth of the organization. Individualized consideration: Individualized consideration is also one of the characteristics of the transformational leaders. It is the leadership strategy that empathizes an individual employee’s needs. It concentrates on individual’s achievement by positioning them as mentors and coaches to help them realize their potential. The