Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Benefits of Vocational Education

The Benefits of Vocational Education Most high schools offer some form of vocational education program. Vocational education is training for a specific career or trade, excluding the professions. Vocational education focuses on practical applications of skills learned, and is generally unconcerned with theory or traditional academic skills. Students at vocational educational typically receive more hands-on, career-minded education than students at traditional schools. Individuals are given the opportunity to explore and identify potential career goals, and are provided with the resources needed to achieve them. Most vocational education recognizes the importance of general academic studies as well as career preparation, and offer fully accredited high school diplomas. Depending on a student's abilities and interests, a vocational high school can provide several advantages. Vocational training thus provides a link between education and the working world. It is usually provided either at the high school level or in a two year colleges. In my view, high school and two-year colleges should offer vocational education because it will be benefit for students’ future. First of all, vocational education in high school focuses on specific training for a career or field. This hands-on training can be helpful in high school as students make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Many  vocational  high  schools provide students with career preparation in health care, computer science,  education, business, and any number of highly specialized trades. Individuals have the opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to become carpenters, electricians, machinists, painters, plumbers, or other professionals. Some programs administer licensing or certification examinations in such programs that allow students to become eligible for employment immediately after graduation. Many high school juniors and seniors have yet to choose a definite career field and path to pursue. Though a student may be most certain that the college path is definitely not the one she wants to follow, a career still must be chosen for the sake of finding a place in the workforce. For students who have not chosen a career yet, technical training is a good way to get hands-on experience in areas that may interest that student. There are students who are certain as to what career they would like to join as a high school graduate. For this group, high school vocational education becomes a preparatory tool for those students who already know they want to work in the nursing profession, for instance. Also a wide variety of vocational education programs for high school students can provide hands-on experience in a real work environment. These skills can provide long-term benefits, as high school students can learn to adapt to new situations and develop necessary problem solving skills. Success in vocational-education programs can develop work ethic, feelings of self-worth, communication skills and the ability to relate to others, as well as life skills that are important in the transition to post-high school life. Vocational-education programs can provide a positive learning environment in which students have first-hand knowledge of managing their time, finances and other aspects of their lives. The focus of vocational-education programs is for high school students to develop tools, so they can succeed. Many high school students have no work experience by the time they reach the junior or senior year. High school technical education provides work experience to all students, including those who had none previous to the attendance in vocational education situations. Most health occupation technical education classes, for example, prepare students for the field of nursing and take place in an actual hospital or nursing facility. In these instances, students are required not only to perform in a professional manner the tasks assigned to them, but other real-life workplace expectations are placed on students regarding having a tidy appearance, being on time and respecting a chain of command, for example. Vocation or technical training education not only provides high school students with the ability to develop skills at present, but can also prepare them for the workforce and increase the opportunity to access jobs later. Vocational programs can be either at schools with basic classes in the trade, on actual job sites or both. Work on actual job sites allows students the opportunity to work with company employees and clients on a regular basis. The ability to work on projects on-site can help students understand if it is the right area for them and provide a networking opportunity to talk about the field with seasoned professionals. Such programs can help provide basic knowledge with real working experience necessary to enter the workforce directly after high school without a college degree. On-site programs often offer a personalized approach with specific deadlines to meet and the support of a mentor who can answer questions and provide guidance in the subject area. If a student shows serious interest, employers often invest in them to replace those who are retiring in the workforce as employers look at them as trained applicants with the ability to perform in a skilled occupation. Even employers who require a college education may offer the opportunity for students to come back and be considered for first hire. In addition, participation in vocation-education programs in high school can help a person decide if this is the right career choice and avoid investing in an education that won't be used. This can give them the ability to make critical decisions regarding their education. For instance, in some states, schools have started to offer student-teaching opportunities for seniors in high school. These programs offer the ability to work one-on-one with a teacher who is a mentor. Unfortunately, many colleges save the student teaching experience until the last year of the degree, making it difficult for someone to really know whether they want to teach. Furthermore vocational educations of two-year College also have benefits for students. First, a degree or certificate is an accomplishment that no one can take away from us. Two-year colleges give the opportunity to advance our career or simply learn about careers that interest us. Once we have found a career path we enjoy, we can begin taking courses and working toward our degree. Most technical colleges will help us complete our associate degree (or certificate program) in one or two years, depending upon our field of study. Second, the diplomas and associate's degrees that students earn after completing a two-year course are recognized by companies and employers as proof of a person's technical abilities. Their degree, even if it's not a four-year course degree, gives them an advantage when applying for jobs that require specific technical skills. For example, a person who completed a wo-year course in clerical and office management will know practices in filing essential documents and can be considered for a secretarial job. Graduates of technical colleges are also highly trained in their specialization because most of the two years cover an extensive internship and application of knowledge. For example, a welder who finishes a degree in a two-year technical college has probably accomplished several projects in a real welding shop during his or her internsh ip. Another major advantage of a two-year college is the availability of job placement resources. Guidance counselors at two-year colleges typically have access to career information and a number of different resources for students who want to find immediate work while attending courses or after they graduate. In addition, many employers and labor unions are closely affiliated with vocational schools, and give preference to job applicants who have completed such programs. With recommendation from guidance counselors and teachers, many students are able to obtain paid apprenticeships or entry-level jobs with ease. Critics say that the nature of two-year courses can be considered a double-edged sword. Although it allows students to graduate early and work right away, it can also saturate the employment market of certain technical skills. For example, a lot of welders graduate every two years, but the need for welders in a certain city or area may not actually meet the supply. Some conventional companies also prefer graduates of four-year courses since there is a belief that four-year degree holders are more trained in their chosen field. For example, a graduate of a two-year IT course may find it hard to compete with a computer engineer who has a four-year degree. Furthermore, Teachers are primarily hired for their technical knowledge and not on their teaching skills. While these professionals often are very good at what they do, it can be hard to convey that information in a way that other people can use and learn. This can be a major drawback. Since it takes two years or less to complete many vocational programs, the schools can graduate a lot of students in a short span. This can saturate the job market with people who all have the same skills and training. If the school does not provide or require internships or hands-on experience, this can be another obstacle for graduates. In conclusion, vocational education offers training for specific jobs. Since vocational training often begins in high school, students can graduate prepared to take a high-paying, skilled job immediately. Graduates of trade or vocational schools have an advantage over informally trained job-seekers because an independent organization certifies that they have the skills needed to successfully perform a specific, skilled occupation. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 88 percent of public high schools and 29 percent of private high schools offer some type of vocational program. a well-administered vocational education for high schools and two-year colleges will have multiple benefits. It will expand students’ horizons and help them become ready for the working world. It will benefit the world-work also by providing needed workers. Therefore, governments should create vocational education program as well as possible as an investment in everyone’s future. References: http://www. ehow. com/info_7853695_disadvantages-vocational-schools. html http://www. ehow. com/list_6514932_technical-school-disadvantages. html http://www. ehow. com/info_8505391_pros-high-school-provides-jobs. html http://www. ehow. com/about_5387981_high-provide-students-job-skills. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vocational_education http://www. collegeview. com http://careers. stateuniversity. com/pages/854/Vocational-Training. html http://www. debate. org/debates/Vocational-Training-in-High-School

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay

There are many theories out there that try to explain why domestic violence happens. Some like family violence theory say that it is passed down through the family because basically what you see is what you will do. Others say it’s a chemical imbalance or its based on other things. I believe that it is a little bit of all of the theories but the Culture of Violence Theory is playing a huge role today in helping shape our young children’s minds as to what is now acceptable. During this assignment we will look at four different types of examples of how the Culture of Violence Theory is doing just that. Culture of Violence theory claims that violence occurs at all levels of society and is looked at as a means to resolve a conflict. Violence and force are acceptable and are used even in family disputes. Theories believe that in order to stop a man from beating or hitting a woman then you have to change the way he believes or relies on violence being a means to solve all his problems. I also believe that our culture as a whole is violence driven. As a soldier in the United States Army, I deploy to combat areas and I have meet other new recruits who basically wanted to join the military for that reason. So then the question is why in the world would you want to do something just for the violence? Well we can look no further then what is the main culprit to me and that is the Mass Media. The Mass Media today is the main reason why our culture is so violence driven. First I am going to start off on the news media and movies that are being viewed by our children and young adults. The news media always seems to project negative things. You rarely hear anything about a city not having an violent acts being placed over the news. Instead you turn the news on and your going to see how a father came home and found his wife cheating on him so he beat her to death, then killed all his children before turning his gun on himself. The news always reports the violent acts so that’s what our culture is getting use to see. When we look at the type of movies being depicted that display acts of violence in a family household we look at the movie Precious. This movie won the actress a Grammy Award but in this movie your watching a girl being physically, verbally and sexually abused at home. The only time she was safe was at school. What does this type of information teach? It could teach a positive message but I believe that in reality all it did was downgrade women and especially African American women. Movies and the News aren’t the only means to project violence within our culture. The controversial video game by rock star called Grand Theft Auto has been sparking debates across the nation for years. This is one of the best selling franchises in the video game industry but the message in this top playing videogame for our youth in particular teens is violence. This game depicts family violence, drug selling, murder, extortion, robbery, theft, grand theft auto and many more violent crimes. This game really belittles women I feel because they always use derogatory language towards them. This game always shows â€Å"pimps† and ho’s† and the pimp is always beating on the women. This sends a message that our society is fine with this type of behavior since we generate it for our amusement and entertainment. I am one of those who is at fault by playing this type of games but I do understand that this is not appropriate for our youth because they are still learning and trying to understand what is the wrong and right way to act in society and this doesn’t help them in any way. Our society today is all about technology. Everyone has an internet capable phone and the internet is streaming videos constantly. With that being sad a lot of youth and teens are able to watch music videos either through their phone, laptop or on the television. The new hit song titled â€Å"Try† by Pink depicts two lovers basically having an all-out brawl with each other. They are pulling hair, breaking glasses, hitting each other. This music video shows our youth domestic violence but shows it as a poetry in motion or as just two people really in love with each other so even though they are hurting each other its ok as long as they continue to work it out and try again. So is the message here teaching our society to not harm each other? It doesn’t look that way to me and if this keeps up then we will continue to see the numbers as high as they are. All of the different examples I gave show you how our culture became so violence oriented. From the News stations to the Movies in the theaters to the videogames we buy our children and the music they listen to. What children hear and see is exactly what they will do so yes I believe Family Violence Theory plays a role in my paper but the Cultural Violence Theory is by far the most destructive force we have and we can only blame ourselves. Reference: CJ333 Chapter 3, Research and Theory on Family Violence Video Game Study Reinforces Negative Impact on Youth, Jennifer Leclaire, 4/10/06 Pink gets physical and aggressive in â€Å"Try† music video, Lucas Villa, October 10 2012

Monday, July 29, 2019

Importance of China And India On Projections of Future Energy Needs Research Paper

Importance of China And India On Projections of Future Energy Needs - Research Paper Example This report stresses that the rapid population growth, industrial growth and changing life styles may increase the energy requirements of India further than forecasted. For example, mobile phone and automobile usages in India has increased a lot in the last two decades. It is difficult to see a family without a vehicle in the urban areas now. Even in rural areas many people using motor bikes for their travelling needs. Same way mobile phones are a house hold entity now. In fact most of the people in urban areas have their own cell phones. Thus the energy requirements in India are rapidly growing because of the changing life styles or advancements in life standards. This paper makes a conclusion that China and India are the two major countries in the world at present which are developing more rapidly than any other countries in the world. The huge energy crisis in the world at present is because of the immense developments in these heavily populated countries. The GDP growths of these two countries are one among the top five countries in the world whereas population wise they are the number one and two. China is currently developing more solar energy equipments whereas India is more focussed on developing nuclear energy sources in order to meet their future energy requirements. In short, India and China have significant role in increasing the global energy demand and it is necessary fro them to develop renewable energy sources further.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market Essay

Is market efficient testing of Hong Kong stock market - Essay Example Several tests could be used to test for market efficiency. The most common tests are for market anomalies such as the January, Day-of-the-Week, and Size Effects. Another is to prove that any of the assumptions of EMH is not true; for example, that there is a way of predicting stock prices so that those who are able to do so can earn above normal market returns. Practitioners of finance and economics who have studied stock market behaviour have proposed several hypotheses, one of which is the so-called Overreaction Hypothesis (ORH). ORH originated from the field of applied psychology and is a statement of behavioural prediction that people tend to overreact to dramatic news and events, regardless of whether these events are positive or negative. On the other side and related to this hypothesis is its opposite: underreaction, a phenomenon that can also be considered. ORH provides a way of making decisions to buy and sell stocks, because if it is true, then some investors can earn above market returns by buying underperforming stocks and selling overperforming stocks, taking advantage of over- or under-reaction of other investors. The Hongkong economy has been identified as the one with the freest and, in the absence of artificial market barriers that cause inefficiency, therefore the most efficient financial markets, as it was given the highest Index of Economic Freedom1 (Heritage, 2006). This paper attempts to prove this by investigating whether the ORH phenomena exist in the Hongkong Stock Exchange (HKSE). 3. Investigate presence of ORH in HKSE for the period 1 April 1997 to 31 March 2007 using the methodology of Fung (1999) which is similar to DeBondt and Thaler (1985) but using the geometric mean, instead of the arithmetic mean, to reduce error caused by bid-ask spread as pointed out by Conrad and Kaul (1993). Fama (1970) popularised the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) which states that stock prices reflect all available

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Engineering Hydrology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Engineering Hydrology - Essay Example As a consulting engineering hydrologist, the information that is necessary in the successful implementation of this development plan is the information concerning the nature of the River Boyd. Rivers are classified as either perennial, ephemeral, and intermittent. All these classifications are brought about by base flow or storm flow and river discharge. The various methods used for river flow analysis depends on the relative frequency, duration of certain river levels, and duration of low and high flows. The discharge (Q) or stream flow of the river is the amount of water flowing in the river. More precisely, these terms are used for the volume of water that flows through a given point of the river and they combine storm flow and base flow. The points along the cross-sectional flow area and the water velocity are referred to as measurement point for discharge or stream flow. Some of the methods which are used in determination of river flow analysis are (Hauer & Gary, 2007); Floating objects methods This method takes into consideration the time taken by a floating object to cover a certain distance. All the measurements for the cross-sectional flow of the river should be done simultaneously. The formula to be used here is Q = VA where Q is discharge (m3/sec), V is river velocity (m/sec), and A is the cross-sectional area of the river (m2). The limitation of this method is that it is not accurate more so for very wide rivers such as River Boyd with approximate width of 11 m. This is because the velocity of the river keeps on varying from one point to another due to depth and cross-sectional area of the stream. Stream gauging method In this method, the cross-sectional area of the river is subdivided into proportional vertical... This essay stresses that the successful development of tinning factory requires proper understanding of the flow analysis of River Boyd. As a consulting engineering hydrologist, the information that is necessary in the successful implementation of this development plan is the information concerning the nature of the River Boyd. Rivers are classified as either perennial, ephemeral, and intermittent. All these classifications are brought about by base flow or storm flow and river discharge. The various methods used for river flow analysis depends on the relative frequency, duration of certain river levels, and duration of low and high flows. The discharge (Q) or stream flow of the river is the amount of water flowing in the river. More precisely, these terms are used for the volume of water that flows through a given point of the river and they combine storm flow and base flow. The points along the cross-sectional flow area and the water velocity are referred to as measurement point fo r discharge or stream flow. This method takes into consideration the time taken by a floating object to cover a certain distance. All the measurements for the cross-sectional flow of the river should be done simultaneously. This paper makes a conclusion that river flow analysis is can be best determined through the use of stream gauging method. This is because this method is accurate and convenient. Before setting up tinning factory, the management should ensure that they gather valuable information from Environmental Agency regarding underground drainage.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Does the rotation of auditors improve the quality of auditing Essay - 5

Does the rotation of auditors improve the quality of auditing - Essay Example Auditing had never been influential and applicable as it is today. Each corporation feels the need to examine its accounts from time to time, and especially when change is about to occur, so that it can determine their correctness and fairness, as well as detect of any irregularity. Auditing is broad and can be conducted for systems, data, and finances which are of great concern in this context. Auditing can be described as an examination and verification of accounting data with an aim of establish the correctness and reliability of the accounting reports and statements (Shirin, 2009). However, numerous controversies exist over establishing a standard against which actual audit performances can be measured. Therefore, organizations may have difficulties in assessing the effectiveness and quality of their audit, even if it serves the purpose. Audit quality has been described by Fearnley et al as the â€Å"market assessed joint probability that a given auditor will both discover a bre ach in the client’s accounting system and report the breach† (2011, p. 2007). Organization’s committees and shareholders need enhanced audit quality for the sake of delivering appropriate organization audit results and opinions. Firm rotation of auditors has been campaigned for and applied in some countries as a way of improving audit quality. The issue of audit quality that auditors’ rotation attempts to address There are several factors that affect the quality of audit. Nowadays, clients want to be confident of the financial reports they get, to make future projections of the business. Internationally, various initiatives have been proposed to establish a standard or enforce some consistencies across borders, in how the auditors ought to accomplish the audit objective, and what financial statements clients should expect (ICAEW, 2010). The number of recently reported financial failures in organizations call for more accountability and undertaking of effec tive measures for countries, firms, and audit practitioners, whom are all affected in case of any unexpected undesirable effect after auditing. There have been cases of firms experiencing frauds and even bankruptcy after a repetitive auditing by specific auditors, while auditors are sometimes prevented from delivering certain quality audit results due to differences in countries’ regulations, economic incentives, their ability, and expertise. Considering the perceived audit failures, there is an urge for audit effectiveness and efficiency to enhance clients’ confidence in the quality of audit reports. This remains the greatest problem in quality control. Rotation of auditors is one of the strategies recommended, but still debatable over its success in promoting audit quality. Rotation of auditors The concept of auditors’ rotation is related to job rotation of employees, but unlike the later, which is intended to enhance motivation, the former has clear based obj ectives to impact on the quality of audits. Due to the established failure and fraud cases when a former auditor has been reemployed for a longer term by a specific client, companies avoid hiring similar auditing firms for a subsequent number of years to conduct their audits. The issue surfaced since the 90s and proposes that audit firms serve as client auditors for a certain period, then replaced by others. AICPA requirement proposes seven years of an auditor firm or auditor service, after which rotation occurs

Care of the highly dependent postoperative patient Essay

Care of the highly dependent postoperative patient - Essay Example He had a bloc resection of rectal cancer and had been treated with sigmoid colectomy. Right hemicolectomy fallowed by HIPES (treated intra peritoney chemotherapy) solitary liver metastasis. The patient came into recovery room breathing spontaneously. His blood pressure was110/60. His pulse 82, resps 9, SpO2 with oxygen 40% via face mask. Right Jugular CVP line left hand arterial line, intercostals x2, bupivacain 0.25%. Silicon drain and abovac plasma lite 1000. I.V. continued. CVP and arterial line has been attached to monitor. First 1/2 hour patient observation was done every 5 min.-ABCDE was administered. After 15 min. BP-high, puls-100, RR-normal. On question are u in pain, patient answer severe pain. Morphine PCA attached and explained how to use, continued with boluses of 2.5mg, morphine via PCA pump. After 1/2 hour arterial blood gas sample done, showing respiratory acidosis. Patient is with urinal catheter, urine output monitoring hourly. Fluids maintenance done, fluid balance monitoring hourly for 24 hours. This paper explores the post operative care of this patient. Variables such as the level of debility before surgery, operate complexity and severity of underlying cirrhosis appear to significantly influence the rapidity at which a patient progresses through his or her early postoperative recovery stage (Leaper, & Whitaker, 2010). Most of the key liver resections are attributed to the liver’s regenerative capacity. They are well tolerated by patients and it is rare for patients to experience biochemical abnormalities. Patients having compensated liver cirrhosis and the complications that come with it are more susceptible to intraoperative blood losses that make the organ functions to deteriorate and lead to the loss of its reserve capacity to withstand stress causing life-threatening complications (Leaper, & Whitaker, 2010).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Land law - Essay Example To start with, the Limitation Act 1980 makes provision for a claim for recovery of land only in circumstances where a squatter is in adverse possession, and the action will be statute-barred if it is not commenced within 12 years from the date of the dispossession.2 Schedule 1, Paragraph 8(1) provides as follows:- ‘No right of action to recover land shall be treated as accruing unless the land is in the possession of some person in whose favour the period of limitation can run (referred to below in this paragraph as adverse possession); and where under the preceding provisions of this Schedule any such right of action is treated as accruing on a certain date and no person is in adverse possession on that date, the right of action shall not be treated as accruing unless and until adverse possession is taken of the land.’3 Whether or not Mia has been in actual possession of the property for the requisite statutory term of 12 years can only be determined by reference to the relevant case law. Possession for the purposes of the Section 15 of the Limitation Act 1980 has been restated by the House of Lords in J.A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd. and Others v Graham and Another [2002]. In this case Lord Browne-Wilkinson remarked that the ‘only question was whether the squatter had been in possession in the ordinary sense of the word†¦ The question is simply whether the defendant squatter has dispossessed the paper owner by going into ordinary possession of the land for the requisite period without the consent of the owner’.4 In the ordinary sense of the word, possession must contain two essential elements, factual possession as well as an intention to possess. Factual possession was defined by Slade J in Powell v McFarlane (1977) as an exclusive occupation of the land to the extent that a true owner is otherwise entitled to occupy it. ‘The question what acts constitute a sufficient degree of exclusive physical control must

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Unit9englassignm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Unit9englassignm - Essay Example Initially not intended to house non-violent criminal offenders, current trends indicate that youths convicted of crimes, even very minor offenses, are being increasingly committed to detention centers in preference to the implementation of less stringent methods of punishment and rehabilitation (Foley, 2001). However, the large-scale use of detention centers as the sole method of deterring youth crime is insufficient to the purpose as it increases the familiarity and acceptance of criminal attitudes and behaviors, has a negative impact on the mental condition of detainees, and hinders both education and the healthy development of acceptable social behaviors. The detention of minors who have exhibited criminal tendencies and/or engaged in illegal activities within this type of large, secure holding facility does not result in a direct, significant level of discouragement to future crime. On the contrary, communal youth housing practices used in such detention facilities has been proven to create an atmosphere which aggravates the rate of recidivism among minors. Studies based on information compiled from multiple states suggest that as many as 60 percent of young offenders sentenced to time in a juvenile detention center have later been required to return, often to the same facility, following the commission of new criminal offense(s) (Sander, Sharkey, Tanigawa, and Mauseth, 2010). Such an excessively high rate of recidivism does little to support the notion of rehabilitation through detention. Though many factors have been blamed for the high rate of recidivist practices among delinquent youths, one influential element of this recurring criminality is the reinforcement of negative behaviors and attitudes within detention facilities themselves. Statistics concerning a seeming reduction in youth crime rates fail to consider this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The market segmentation strategy for the manufacturer of the washing Essay

The market segmentation strategy for the manufacturer of the washing machine - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of target marketing as â€Å"breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments†. Thus target marketing involves splitting the market into manageable segments. The choice as to which market segment is to be focused on depends on the manufacturer’s requirements. Many writers have suggested a variety of approaches to understanding the target market process. When making an effort to identify the characteristics of the target market demographics such as age, age group, gender, marital status, the location of the business, incomes of consumers and their preferences matters. Next psychographics such as cultural values, mores, lifestyles, tendencies, propensities, choices and personal concerns matters. In the same way the kind of industry and typical market structure matter. In this instance, the industry is the white goods manufacturing industry and the market structure is oli gopolistic in nature. The latter means there are only a few sellers or rather brand names. Other specifics include what kinds of regulations are applied to the industry by authorities. For instance, consumer electronics and electrical goods industry is subject to EU regulations that seek to ensure minimum safety standards. The incorporation of these safety measures would require a lot of research work and costs. Thus the target market would be approached with a greater degree of conviction and certainty.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Perpetual Motion Machine Essay Example for Free

Perpetual Motion Machine Essay Physicists say that it is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine, a machine whose own activity keeps it running perpetually. What energy principle precludes the possibility of a perpetual motion machine? In the Universe where we live and where such a device would work, laws govern the habitation and processes that occur here. One of such laws is the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy is conserved in the universe by being converted from one form to another.    This is a universal law. It precludes the creation of this kind of machine in perpetual motion; this is because the machine would deplete its conversion in line with the principle of diminishing returns, by conversion to other forms of energy. Even with the production of heat and reduction of efficiency to les than 100%, energy use per motion would not be sufficient to maintain further motion programmed into the machine.   As a result, the motion would eventually cease to continue. It is obvious from the foregoing that physicists are correct that in postulating that perpetual motion machine can not be created because it violates the law of conservation of energy.   It appears that the law can be consistent with the second law of motion, Law of inertia. But in essence, it violates the universal law.

Rolls Royce in Contemporary Business Environment

Rolls Royce in Contemporary Business Environment This assignment is aimed to critically evaluate a change management towards to the operations at Rolls Royce plc, ascertain a range of reasons for either success or failure to implement a operations management and to propose further improvements for the companys performance. The annual Rolls Royce report was used a primary source of business data. It was found that the firms strategy and operations management conforms to the current trends in the operations, i.e. environmental needs, customised quality of products and flexibility of production, etc.; however, certain risks and global challenges may affect a success of the business, leading to losing a share in the market niche. Introduction Rolls Royce in Contemporary Business Environment Rolls Royce is a global company providing a power product, judging on a basis of customers demand or a niche market position its me, for land, sea and air (Rolls-Royce, 2006). The company has a balanced business portfolio with the leading positions in civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy markets. One of key factors of Rolls-Royces success is continuing expansion of its business globally. In the past five year RR started work on or opened facilities in Europe, the United States and Asia. Company employs over 38,000 employees, 22,700 are in the UK with the balance primarily in the US, Asia, Germany, Scandinavia and Brazil, which represents a global expansion of business operations, human resources for implementation of process and technology, i.e. resources for the status. Rolls Royce is a highly focused power systems business, concentrating on manufacturing and services of power systems, including a gas turbine engine. There are approximately 54,000 Rolls Royce gas turbines in service. With annual sales of around  £4 billion and a forward order book of nearly  £22 billion, its technology is applied over a wide range of products that generate high-value services throughout their operational lives. These operations give a value for the companys business. In response to increased orders from the market due to A380 production will recommence and Boeing787 production begins (Boeing, 2006), the firm implements a strategy towards to the best operations for turbine engine production. Objectives of the Assignment Manufacturing (WCM) is one of the broadest philosophies focusing primarily on production (Lind, 2001). Although Hayes and Wheelwright originally defined the WCM term (B. Flynn, 1997) to describe organizations which achieved a global competitive advantage through use of their manufacturing capabilities as a strategic weapon, there is no consistent definition of WCM (Maskell, 1991). So does Roll_ Royce represents the operations management? In my opinion, the answer is clearly, yes, it does. A world-class organization is an organization that had established itself as the best (RR automotive has been doing it continuously since 1906) becomes the best with new product lines (such as gas turbines) and then sustains itself as the best in its field during a life cycle. It goes beyond TQM (Total Quality Management), which is an adaptive process. It also goes beyond the learning organization by keeping ahead of changes. World-class organizations practice Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) a management philosophy which focuses on improving processes within an organization. Further these principles of the operations will be analysed and discussed. Analysis and Discussion 2.1. Ownership and Finance Roll_ Royce is a Public Limited Company (plc). What are benefits or drawbacks to be a plc for the ? As firm is selling shares on a stock market, the business gets a huge capital injection allowing the company to expand quicker and invest in new products. In RRs case it allows them to use high quality machinery and materials to produce innovative and yet expensive products, entering a niche on the markets. Being on the stock market can have a positive effect on your publicity and suppliers are more willing to offer you a credit as they can see how secure finances are. Plc-type organisation has also drawbacks. Financial information has to be published for shareholders and it also open for competitors. The company on a stock market have to pay its profit out to shareholders (Fig. 1), which reduces a financial security of the business. Also the shareholders may influence a management style, not always in the best way, in running the company. This could lead to a conflict of interests between ownership and management board, leading to decisions taking a long time to be made. In addition such a business may be affected by movements of global markets themselves, i.e. commodity prices, foreign currency exchange rates etc. Fig. 1. Total Shareholders Return over five years [Rolls-Royce, 2006] 2.2. Business Strategy Roll_ Royce sets-up their strategy towards to be the best, i.e. and had a restructuring programme after 11 September 2001, increasing investments in both technology and capabilities to create competitive products. More satisfied customers relations, which can last up to 25 years or more, is also important for the business as it gives more than 50% of revenue from after sales market service. As a result of this strategy RRs mission statement is described as Roll_ Royce offers the best customers business solutions from superior power systems and services (Rolls-Royce, 2006). RRs ambitious and yet timely objective is to help the environment. The company developed a re-engineering program to reduce as much waste as possible. Using the SMART concept Roll_ Royce come up with a consistent strategy: Developing a competitive product portfolio (currently over 50 product programmes and  £350 millions for development and introduction of new products) for four global markets Civil, Defence, Marine and Energy with 40-50% market share in the next 5 years. Reducing operational and unit costs by increasing operations efficacy. Responding to the challenge of climate change.  £100 million annual investment for RD, introducing an Environmental Engine Programme. Capturing aftermarket services opportunity and add value for customers through the provision of product-related services. Environmental issues will dominate in the airline industry as more public issues have been arisen due to climate change, pollutions, noise and air quality (Fig. 2). The Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) has set a range of challenging environmental improvement goals to be achieved by 2020. Globally a rapid growth continued in manufacturing load in 2006 and will increase further for the company. It is also inevitable that turnover will increase within the next years due to a world growth of transportation business and energy demand. As a result one of the key objectives at Roll_ Royce is the environmental issue. The pollution produced by companys factories and produced engines has to be designed, monitored and checked regularly. The Environmentally Friendly Engine (EFE) is the latest demonstrator programme to be launched by Roll_ Royce to enable them to meet these targets: reduced fuel consumption, while lowering emissions and engine noise. In addition RR is d eveloping renewable fuel cell systems that have the potential to be clean, quiet, cost effective and highly fuel efficient. Fig. 2. This is an example of an increasing environmental pressure for aerospace industry both manufacturers and carrier companies. Roll_ Royce aims to produce engines to meet the most stringent noise and emission requirements for future civil aircraft. A company is successful if it has stable growing sales and thus financial resources for further business development towards to the level. 2.3. Sales and Operations Management Roll_ Royce press release shows the group ended 2006 with a net cash balance of  £826million. Underlying aftermarket services revenues grew by 13% in 2006 and represented 53% of total sales and is expected to grow up to 63% further. Any threat to security of aftermarket revenues through a failure to provide an operational service which meets customers expectations, would threaten a RRs level of profitability. Therefore Roll_ Royce is focused on providing a high standard of service to all its customers, investing in capabilities such as its recently established Operations Centres, which monitor engine operations in real time, co-ordinating and integrating data to enable Roll_ Royce to provide better predictive information and operational performance. A corporate report shows how well after-sale revenue has increased (Table 1). *Reconciliation of underlying results is provided in notes 2 and 7 of the consolidated financial statements. **Underlying revenues reflect actual US dollar exchange rates on settled derivative contracts. A Roll_ Royce presentation (Rolls-Royce, 2006) contains a statement from each area referring to how well they have done in the previous year: Civil Aerospace = Growing services/improving business mix Defence = Well positioned on new programme Marine = Continuing strong order intake Energy = Introduced new products These four sentences sum up how the business has done in relation to their strategies mentioned previously. But the markets in which company operates are highly competitive that is another challenge faced at Rolls-Royces strategy mix to be the world-class. As Roll_ Royce does not offer products that can be sold over a till but more order based products over long periods, it is risky to have lots of pre-ordered products and therefore important to offer a good stock price to encourage potential investors. Majority of Rolls-Royces programmes are long-term in nature and access to the key platforms is critical to a business success. Although there is clearly a positive feeling to these four statements it is hard to measure these long-term objectives. One mentioned objective is that there is no reference to in their annual report is whether harmful waste has been disposed, protecting the environment, or it has resulted to increased emission tax, reducing a financial outcome. However the Managing Director of Roll_ Royce said that 2006 is developing, overall, in line with our expectations. Particular emphasis is being made on the most profitable engine market for long-haul aircrafts (Fig. 3, table 2). With more orders for new Trent engines to date is exceed 200 aircrafts valued  £6billions with the major clients in Asia and Europe (Table 1, 2 in appendix) shown for coming new A380. This delivery is a real challenge to maintain the status at Roll_ Royce as a series of delays with the aircr aft official launch showed this year. How this does affected the quality management will be discussed next. Sources: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Airbus Figure 3: Delivered aircraft value and units (2006-2025) Table 2: Long-haul large capacity aircrafts and turbine engine types Aircraft passenger capacity Output (to date) Engine Unit cost Changes and benefits Boeing 747-8 (400-500 passengers) 747 deliveries, 60% civil, 40% cargo. 747-8 to be launched in 2009 4 ц¦ GEnx-2B67 US$ 240 millions Reduced NOx emission, noise dB and better fuel efficiency. Boeing 767-400 (245-375 seats) 767 deliveries, most companies have favoured B 777 instead of B767-400. 2 ц¦ PW40xx or Rolls Royce RB 211 with reduced noise and emission Boeing 777 (300 pass) 791 ordered, 509 delivered. 2x PW 40xx RR Trent 8xx or GE 90-94B US$ 220-240 millions with reduced noise and emission Boeing 787 (220-300 seats) 482 (452 firm, 30*** pending). The sales will continue till 2014. 2 ц¦ GEnx or Trent 1000 US$ 140-188 millions 137 orders for Trent 1000, 170 orders for GNex Airbus 380 (pass 555-853) To date 166 orders from 15 customers. Expected sales of 750 jets A380s over the next 20 years at 420 jets for breakeven. 4 ц¦ GE/PW GP72xx or 4 x RR Trent 9xx US$ 296 316 millions 86 orders for RR Trent, 80 for GE72xx. Fuel consumption of 2.9 litres per passenger km the current industry average is 5 litres per passenger km. Airbus 350 (pass 270-350 seats) Planned from 2013. 2 ц¦ GE/PW GP72xx or CEnx or 2 x Trent XWB US$ 200-240 millions Engines will have a thrust of 75000-95000 lb Sources: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Airbus. Trent is Roll_ Royce trademark for aeroengines. Another challenge is to reduce operations and unit costs. Cost of kerosene, which is main aircraft fuel, and other energy resources is continued growing within the industry, although it has achieved almost 50% improvements in fuel use in the last 20 years [1]. Advanced machinery and production tools offer further reduction of energy use to manufacture an aeroengine. If in the short term Roll_ Royce could invest in faster machinery or more productive workforce it could cut down the forward orders and thus optimise the production. In the long run, however, it would mean larger wage bills and higher risk of depreciation on the automated machinery. Cutting staff to reduce the costs by making people redundant is only really necessary if there is a major financial worry, which is the case for many airlines but not yet widely applicable for Rolls-Royce, who is moving production to more labour-effective countries. Therefore companys strategy, to increase quality and reduce waste products, seems to give the results. The production method itself will rely on quality of the product. Roll_ Royce at its current level of business operations has a high quality product, which needs to be maintained and improved continuously. In the long run it would be better but forward orders (Table 2, Appendix) could also decrease due to energy crisis. It would also lead to staff working longer hours and as a result staff morale decreases. Note that many airlines has either cut a number of flights or increased a fuel charge per passenger. This will affect new production orders from Rolls-Royce. One objective that could change for Roll_ Royce is to continue establishing themselves as a leading supplier in the four growing markets. Since the company has positioned itself in the key markets, it has substantial customers to get orders. If one market slows down, e.g. a civil aerospace department after the delay of A380 launch, it can fall back on the other three markets maintaining the business. A disadvantage of this strategy is the significant resources spent for employing experienced workers and management staff to keep the operations in these four markets. It is there Roll_ Royce would need to realign the core objectives to the global challenges to maintain the world-class operations and attract new shareholders. 2.4. Quality Management Within the factories Roll_ Royce manages complex production programmes with demanding technical requirements against stringent customer schedules and a capital intensive form of production, which allows products such as turbine engines to be made fast and all of the same quality. Failure to achieve sustainable quality goal would have significant financial implications for the Group. Car production facilities at Roll_ Royce have labour intensive operations due to handmade cars, causing it to be a far slower and more expensive process. Thus RR cars made by orders have an upper price and a market niche. When producing a product such as a jet engine Roll_ Royce employs a batch production method, which tends to be highly customised. It took several years for the company to change productions to lean system and receive an ISO certification. Quality at Roll_ Royce is intangible because of its world-renowned reputation for many years. The company employs three methods of quality testing. Firstly, Quality Control involves checking of the project at the end of production. But there is a drawback to this form of checking. If errors identified results in a waste being produced, this adds extra costs to operations. Another technique Quality Assurance is also employed at the production; however because there is more time taken on producing a product the cost of originally implementing the product although short term could be significant. As quality needs to be assured it means regular inspections need to be undertaken to ensure quality is achieved. Overall this is a better form of quality testing than quality control as changes can be made to product as it goes through production to increase quality. Final form of quality testing is Total Quality Management (TQM). It involves Building Quality In. All three of these methods of quality testing contribute to the overall quality produced by Rolls-Royce, which manufactures approximately 30 per cent by value of its gas turbine products and some 70 per cent is provided through external supply chains. Any quality failure happened in the supply chain would present a risk to the RRs ability to meet customer requirements and to achieve its financial goals. If quality is not met it could mean lack of sales due to reasons such as loss of reputation. It is not just Roll_ Royce that has to deal with quality. All businesses have to ensure they are producing quality goods otherwise people wont buy their products. A supporting infrastructure for quality management, a key element of world-class manufacturing, is an important element (Flynn, 1999). Roll_ Royce has an impressive investment plan totalling to more than  £3billion for advanced technology, capability and infrastructure, offering improved performance and better energy efficiency of products, environmentally friendly operations and long-term competitiveness.  £30million is spent annually on training and some  £250million is directed annually on capital projects. 2.5. Leadership Style and Management Culture Roll_ Royce has Democratic paternalistic style of management. Although the company has department it also has a management board, making all the decisions and having centralised power over company. An extreme management style is an authoritarian style, which would be noted in a military organisation such as Rolls-Royces military division. Another extreme in management style is a lasses-faire style that gives almost 100% control of a company to workers. Roll_ Royce is though none of the extreme management as it has CEO and a chairman who overlook all decisions. Styles of management are summed up in McGregors Theory Y and X. Another form of measuring management styles is through the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum (Dawson, 2005). None of these theories has been fully taken at the company but it seems to be more towards the McGregor X theory of management, which has an important role of mangers and therefore it is further to the left (Fig. 4). It is thought that manger sells technique where people at the top make the decision but invite people questions. Degree of Workers Authority Degree of Manager Authority Rolls Royce Manager Manager Tells Delegates Allows people to function independently Makes a decision and announces it Fig. 4. Management style at Roll_ Royce Power culture dominates in the company because of its top-mangers. This type of culture is normally linked with an autocratic or authoritarian style of management. It is not solely a power culture as it has many leaders at the top where a position does play a role. However RR has many departments run by leaders that work under one brand name for one goal. A person-type culture can also be found inside Roll_ Royce as skilled employees are able to make their own decisions; however, it does not change much to the overall culture. This links to a hierarchy organisation that is a tall structure but it has a certain degree of openness between CEO and regular employee. 2.6. Communications Management Roll_ Royce is very process focused firm and it continues to reduce operating costs through standardisation but as ever IT, with investments to be at around 2.5% of sales, has been playing a significant role in Rolls-Royces growth, with strong project management and very aggressive timescales being the norm at the company. Roll_ Royce aims to implement a Global Supply Chain management structure at Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems which will allow them to consolidate commodity management and increase US dollar based proportion of a purchase bill. The ERP convergence programme has 18,000 SAP users and is allowing us to open up our capacity and improve effectiveness. A substantial CAD/CAM product lifecycle project was to cut design and development times on the back of technology and monitor a process change down to the second phase. The next stage of Rolls-Royces IT strategy will be nine major teams looking at pushing forward a global supply chain and engineering level. Increased globalisation of the business and advances in technology has resulted in more data being transmitted across global communication links, posing an increased security risk. This puts higher responsibility and risk for being attacked by competitors (The Times, December 3, 2007). Therefore, the company has a corporate IT department and the latest security technology responsible for data management at the company as well as communication specialists at each department. A global company may have certain language and cultural barriers if using a phone is the only way to contact a client. The company uses IT for e-mails. As aforementioned e-mails can have attachments, which makes sending images or documents far quicker and easier than by post. Other electronic devices such as telephones are used to record voicemail and a factory wide public address system to notify staff. However this form of communication is open, as it is not used for restricted information such as redundancies. Externally RRs business uses e-mail to place orders or inquire about business. However it isnt entirely fool proof if a company urgently needs to contact supplier e-mail, although may take a few days before it is read and replied too. Apart from contacting suppliers or customers Roll_ Royce has the website. It provides an alternative way of selling products and giving information away to the public such as potential buyers and shareholders. Dramatically increased IT and operations costs due to market growth and disruption caused by shortages of raw materials could diminish the RRs aims towards to operating and unit cost reduction at UK factories. 3. Conclusion The Roll_ Royce achievements indicated that WCM practices were related to competitive performance, and that the addition of new manufacturing and management practices has resulted in further improvements in competitive performance such as gas turbines assembly line replicated for four key markets and after-sales services, including training. The WCM implementation was recognized as having been an economic success by the company itself and by partner-businesses. Being a world-class company gives to Roll_ Royce a certain advantage on a stock market, where so-called alpha and beta investors do prefer using rather a traditional approach (quality of management and production) to analyse a financial performance of a company, than quantitative approach to investment analysis. Thus more investors do believe in RR, especially after a series of financial crunches on the world markets. Roll_ Royce aeroengines aims to maintain the no. 1 market position by offering industry leading technology at the best environmental and operational performance, minimising airline costs throughout a total product lifecycle, and innovative technical and business solutions maximising customer value. Combination of the technology and after-sales support has created the growing demand at stable price for the new engines. In my opinion, further improvements towards to the world-class require four components: Vision, Active Leadership Involvement, Hierarchy of Trained People, and Constancy of Improvement Activity. (3468 words excluding references) Bibliography Roll_ Royce and Shell has been attacked by Chinese Spies. The Times, December 3, 2007 Boeing Marketing Outlook, 2006. Dawson, M. (2005). The Consumer Trap: Big Business Marketing in American Life. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0-252-07264-2. General Electrics. GEnx engine. assessed on 10.06.2008 Ohno T., Toyota Production System, Productivity Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988. Roll_ Royce Aerospace Market Outlook, 2006. B. Flynn, R. S. (1997). World-class manufacturing project: overview and selected results. International Journal of Operations Production Management, 17 (7) , 671-685. Flynn, R. S. (1999). manufacturing: an investigation of Hayes and Wheelwrights foundation. Journal of Operations Management 17 , 249-269. Jonsson, P. (2001). 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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature as a Form of Art and Expression

Literature as a Form of Art and Expression INTRODUCTION The purpose of this essay is to examine literary creativity within the context that views all sides of the coin. This being said general and broad assumptions could be made about literary art and creative thought separately. These are concepts within society, which are explored, as it is human nature to understand human behaviour and the products of such behaviour. Literature and creativity are entirely in the eye of the beholder and subjective with in a set frame of reference. Unfortunately we live in a world where creativity and art are not always valuable strengths and commodities. Within the philosophical framework, people who are labelled artistically creative from the conservative viewpoint, they are not understood, often seen unstable and unproductive members of society. From this conservative viewpoint, creative people do not use the logical part of his or her brain and this leads to difficulty seeing the enlightened view where the self is valued as a freethinking body. There is flexibility for exploring one’s ideas and dreams. Artists have often been called dreamers. Artistic people live by a different credo, sometimes starving but always determined to stay true to his or her art form. Once again because society has difficulty valuing art and creativity; artists live with the conflict of expectation; what society expects and what the artist’s need to remain true. While the purpose of this paper is to examine the nature literary creativity for the sake of expression, it is also important to compare and contrast two English language texts to show how they are similar and different in terms of creativity. The two chosen works were: (1) Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday and (2) Robert K. Kennedy’s speech paying tribute to Martin Luther King Junior upon his assassination. With this in mind because of such a stark difference in content of the juxtaposition, it can also be argued that while both exhibit social identity to the time and a certain amount thoughtfulness with word selection and placement for creating moving pieces, one will stand alone as more literary and creative. Both are powerful in creating a vision and paying homage to a great American but Happy Birthday exhibits more creative traits than the speech. Still it should be mentioned that any rating of creativity is subjective and in the eye of the beholder and their distinct ive taste. For this purpose, Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday has more literary style, true to one’s idea toward poetry and expressionism. It fits the cultural norm more than a speech mainly because a speech is in the moment and while powerful, visionary can never recapture that moment in time the same way a song can. This brings up the notion of interpretation. Modern times ask for art, literary or otherwise to stand up to a test of many truths. It asks for man to apply the action of interpretation, analysis that in of it self has many drawbacks. Susan Sontag writes, â€Å"Interpretation is not (as most people assume) an absolute value, a gesture of mind situated in some timeless realm of capabilities. Interpretation must itself be evaluated, within a historical view of human consciousness.†[1] Still society’s view is slowly changing to include flexibility of multicultural understanding. Suddenly artists have a valued identity. Mark Freeman discusses the nature of understanding one’s muse with knowing one’s character with this quote: Rather than there simply existing those who paint or sculpt†¦alongside the other productive activities with human beings might become engaged, there arose ‘painters’ and ‘sculptors’, who came to define their very existence through their identities†¦Creative activities would be woven into the fabric of life itself. [2] The paragraphs below serve to define creativity within the frame of reference of modern times and the age of enlightenment lends to the self-actualising open-mindedness and freedom to embrace creative thought. With this in place, literary art and creativity can result and thrive within the model context. CREATIVITY At the bare bones level of literary creativity, one finds inspiration in words and sounds inherent in how at the fundamental level these connections offer a richness and duality of meaning. These meanings are enhanced by simple creative choices made by the writer or artist. It has been discussed how change is important and also memory, not only of a collective socio-cultural history and consciousness, but also of how the creative process is fostered at the root of words. This is Maybin’s inherency model where the key focus remains on words. This essay strives for deeper analysis at the socio-cultural level where history suggests impact and resonates across the many divisions found within the global multi-culture of modern times.[3] Numerous definitions of creativity are recorded in the literature. Creativity is often defined by use of synonyms. These include productive thinking, divergent thinking, originality, imagination, and lateral thinking. Because there is no generally accepted definition of creativity, it would be helpful to look at some definitions to date. Creativity is defined as â€Å"the association of thoughts, facts, ideas, etc. into a new and relevant configuration, one that has meaning beyond the sum of its parts—that provides a synergistic effect.†[4] Bennis and Beiderman define the creative process as â€Å"that mental process in which past experience is combined and recombined, frequently with some distortion, in such a fashion that one comes up with new patterns, new configurations, that better solve some need of mankind.†[5] Although this sampling of definitions reveals diverse elements found in creativity, these definitions do suggest some common thread found in creati ve thinking and that is, a new way of doing things. From this overview standpoint, one can define creativity as a process that solves a problem in a new and original way that is useful for those who value this process. It should be noted that the elements of uniqueness of solution and value of results are incorporated into the definition. Creativity experts feel that especially the American educational system should be teaching constructive, creative-thinking skills; focusing on â€Å"what can be.† It is the notion of possibility that remains to be seen. They believe what is needed is a whole change of attitude toward creativity in general. It is a matter of thinking differently and of seeing outside the box. For so long, there have been restrictions due to such philosophical concepts of what is. While art is subjective, this scares people because it evokes a feeling of uncertainty. Many find if something can be touched, seen and looks what they expect then it is acceptable. This concept does not allow for the realm of endless possibility. Still there has been a shift in thinking differently about â€Å"what is† because this can vary from person to person and culture to culture. The world is changing quickly because its borders are invisible, information flows freely. Therefore ideas are no longer linear but branch off with each new thought. It should also be noted that creativity is not limited to â€Å"the arts† as traditionalists may see it. No art can be found in mathematics, science and the simple act of washing dishes. This once again expresses the enlightened view that the self is aware and finds beauty in nature. Still this notion may bother many because they do not see the potential of art as a â€Å"what is† but as â€Å"it just is.† They are not able to see past the surface to the inner meaning or soul behind the expression. They may not even be aware of the act of expression and how creativity feeds into the energy of art. The limitless possibility of embracing creativity as a regular everyday process probably comes from the multiple definitions that creativity morphs into much like a prism seen in different degrees of light. From the literary works at hand written by Stevie Wonder and Robert F. Kennedy, it is the creativity energy of the time and its scope that not only define the levels of the works’ literary qualities but also the scope, the actual use of words to convey powerful messages. Carter’s work explains how most common people chose to see and understand literature when exposed to an artist’s process. Examples of such by the outsider can be seen as the following: â€Å"Unanswered questions, hesitations and false starts which characterise informal conversations†¦there is much divergence, disconnection and incoherence.†[6] CREATIVE ARTISTIC FLOW The artistic process relies upon creativity within this direct relationship. It has not helped that creative people have been invisible, living a lifestyle motivated by fulfilling the need for expression of the self. What makes creative people different from others is that they do not buy in into the typical means of motivation. Many different factors motivate people to behave the way they do. There are higher and lower order needs that balance out these acts of motivation. Lower order needs must be satisfied before the higher order needs can be addressed. This is within the conservative view loosing based on Maslow’s theory.[7] Lower order needs are such things as essential items needed for life like shelter, food and clothing. These needs do not recognise needs beyond the means of survival. The higher order needs are considered luxury needs but in the mind of the creative person, needs are of an eternal notion. They cannot see this need but it is engrained in the soul and mu st be addressed. Creative people have the ability to simply live for what they enjoy. The act of creativity involves a sense of adventure, a suspending disbelief to use one’s imagination for the purpose of seeing solutions. Brainstorming serves, as a method where ideas bubble over in every direction and no longer is the thought process linear but endless in possibility. In this respect anyone with an open mind can be creative as Csikszentmihalyi writes, â€Å"it seems strange that dancers, rock climbers, and composers all argue that their most enjoyable experiences resemble a process of discovery.†[8] The concept of enjoyment plays a huge factor in creativity because of a dual mechanism found within the human genes. This duality is inherent within humans to seek comfort with reference to more primitive times of flight or fight. There is the need to conserve energy written in the DNA. Understanding the concept of enjoyment ties in with this mechanism because people find different ways to relax and seek comfort in new experiences. The interesting element is people will allow for challenges as long as these events or flow experiences remain consistent regardless of activity.[9] Without enjoyment acting as a fulfilling element, creativity would just be another job without the thrill. It would be mundane. Without creativity and people â€Å"discovering new ways of being and doing, there is no evolution of culture, no progress in thought or feeling.†[10] Unfortunately the conservative view has a difficult time accepting an illogical response as a purpose or goal in life. The emotion involved in creating art seems foreign to them mainly because they have a difficult time seeing beyond the physical properties of the artwork. Carey surmises the above quandary with the following, Equally you might say that the question ‘What is a work of art?’ could not have been asked before the late 18th century because until then no works of art existed. I do not mean that objects we now regard as works of art did not exist before that date†¦Of course they did†¦Most pre-industrial societies did not even have a word for art as an independent concept. [11] The concept of literary art and therefore, creativity is a completely modern ideology. Art existed and was important but the level of understanding did not extend that far within society. It may be a fair assumption that modern influences like war, industrialization or advent of technologies, changing familial lifestyles have all changes the concept of art. As a result of the pressures modern times present people seek comfort in forms of art like literature, film, theatre, and museums. For those expressing themselves creatively, this is also a time of utilizing these influences intertextually within his or her mediums. As a result you see common themes and subject matter as well as reinventing the same idea over and over. At times the conservative view will see literature and art as shocking but really it is just evolving with the times and artists are seeking to push the envelope to noticed for hard work. Carey furthers the argument of subjectivity by writing, â€Å"When we say a t hing is beautiful for us. It is of personal taste.†[12] In today’s world personal taste could mean anything to anyone and change depending on the moment. This concept of personal taste must remain open and flexible to influencing outside forces in order to reflect an evolving multicultural environment. Overall, creativity experts call for a change in attitude toward creativity if people are going to reap the benefits from available global markets, available capital, personnel effectiveness, and business competence. Success in global markets is going to need a baseline of competence on which to build. This is related to the development of new ideas and concepts that emanates from serious creative thinking. As noted above, the concept of negativity, which can be interpreted as conservatism and complacency, is the biggest enemy of creativity. To think that an educator is doing well or is creative enough is fatal in the long run. One must constantly push the envelope and stand one step ahead of the game. ANALYSIS OF LITERARY WORKS It has been explored that literary creativity remains in the mind of the reader and his or her subjective personal taste. One can attribute certain literary traits to creative works as quantifiable measures toward discussion of what makes one work more literary and creative than another. If one defines such actions by words and sounds, using more of a Maybin framework where choice and placement of words comes into play. It is how these words form the content, the hidden power and meaning behind the action in the first place that remains at defining literary concepts. While each literary work analysed for this essay; Steve Wonder’s Happy Birthday and Robert F. Kennedy’s Martin Luther King Junior Speech have qualities that standout as literary and hold one’s inspiration; it is Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday that remains literally true to the literary form of poetry. His song is modern day poetry with its words and sounds forming a tribute and vision. It is not to say that Robert F. Kennedy’s speech written on the day of Martin Luther King Junior’s assassination is not literature or powerful in nature. It is meant to stir a nation’s consciousness. It does hold power over the American thought process and still remains and important document as an example of America’s turbulent 1960s. This document served to continue a process toward equality for all men and women and remains a pinnacle defining moment in history. Still it is the actual format of a speech that throws people off of it being a piece of literature. Most people would not consider a speech as literature but more of a document, an embodiment of that moment in time. It is in a sense non-fiction, rich in historical content. It displays tools of literary honing. The speech is stoic, powerfully written, simply written without much use of imagery or symbolism. It is very much unlike the works of Martin Luther King Junior and in fact on the other end of spectrum. Robert F. Kennedy’s speech was meant to capture a nation in mourning, not only for the man but also for his dream. What it does do effectively is paint a picture of the existing colour divisions still found in American culture today. Robert F. Kennedy uses a literary device of superimposing an actual piece of classical literature within the body of his speech. What this does is bring light to the fact that a classical poem still has the power to resonate feeling despite being centuries old. The poem’s meaning can still provoke thoughts and offer comfort. The Aeschylus poem allows for a broader scope to the present moment, which will later be an historical turning point for the Civil Rights Movement. It adds depth to a speech that seems solemn and one-dimensional, somewhat lacking inspiration until that point. Kennedy’s speech does not rely upon other literary devices but uses simple words, reflecting the moment precisely. Use of the Aeschylus poem allows the American consciousness even today to see how humanity remains unchanged even during times of great uncertainty. It documents accurately the idea of man’s resistance to change. This literary device is clever and serves to strengthen this underlying feeling of loss and uncertainty. The speech seeps into the backbone of society morals and values but it does not create a piece of literature, not in tone or based upon other literary traits. The speech is more of a commentary, a snippet into a sad period for the American people. Still what the speech does do effectively is allow Robert F. Kennedy to lead the people in feeling sad and hope at the same time. It brings him down off of the pedestal many politicians reside upon and allows him to be among the people. This reflects his inherent qualities as a leader and is what would have made him an excellent president. What really remains effective for both pieces is how they each capture a sense of history without truly making it obvious. Both pieces pay homage to a man who sought a dream for all people. Though the homage is clear so is the essence of the times or the interpretation of what the Civil Rights Movement represented. What makes this notion more pertinent is the fact that Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday was written in 1980, long after the Civil Rights Movement ended. It is still ingrained in the American collective culture. Both works take into account the impact this period had, not only the man but also on further reaching social issues on how his dream meant change. Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday is a more literary work because it is written an acceptable form of expression for the modern audience. The song allows people to relate with the words because the form is identifiable by most people. Music represents soul, celebration and a pulse of the people just found inherently within its composition. Songs are something people understand and will listen to over and over. The literary creativity of this song gets down to the bare bones of words and how words work together to create a vision, a feeling. Words work to reflect tone, imagery and hope. The song remains a living celebration of Martin Luther King Junior’s work, dream and life but also as a reminder of how far humanity has come in a few short years. The very fact that Stevie Wonder is a black man and has the right for expression in a public arena is proof enough and very telling. Still it reflects a certain amount of sadness over the fact that this song is just now being writ ten, that society still has colour divide. Stevie Wonder writes as the last verse of the song: In full remembrance Of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people.[13] This should be more of a question because even today even almost thirty years later there is not oneness within American culture. This speaks of the work yet to be done and is mirrored by his word choices. How the words flow together create an impact for the song and the listener. On the backbone of celebration, there is even disbelief that a song for Martin Luther King Junior has not been written before. Stevie Wonder believes it should not even be a big deal but still this remains a reflection of the value system still inherent in American culture. With lines 1-4, he writes, You know it doesn’t make much sense There ought to be a law against Anyone who takes offense At a day in your celebration[14] What is most eloquent here is the use of rhyme that is set up as discrete and not so obvious but also the nature of musical expression. This device continues toward a more literary tactic to set up this work as more creative than the speech. It is the lyrical nature of music that allows imagery to be embedded in a way that multidimensional meanings appear. The song’s meaning may be different each time for the same person but definitely different for each individual. The fact that the song can be heard again and again continues this impact upon society. It resonates still today the dream but also carries into how the dream continues to change the minds of many through such literary works. CONCLUSION In closing the above paragraphs have explored the concept that literary art and creativity as artistic are in a direct relationship when it comes to their roles in society as a means of expression. The notion of literature and art is a modern invention born out of the human necessity to find comfort in his or her surroundings. The means of expression vary greatly but also act as a means of self-discovery for those who experience creative flow. One does not have to be an artist in the traditional sense of the word to experience this action but only open to creativity as a valid behaviour. This shift toward acceptance of creativity is borne out of an evolving cultural need that must be reflective of multiple view and cultures. Still there is resistance to change and many people still see artistic and literary creativity as illogical and emotional. The conservative view offers a rather flat and grey vision of literary art and creativity, not seeing the full potential for self-exploratio n. END NOTES Bennis, W Biederman, P (1997) Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA Carey, J (2005) What Good Are The Arts? Faber and Faber, London Carter, R (2004) Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk Routledge, London Csikszentmihalyi, M (Unknown?) Creativity: Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention Harper Perennial, Macquarie University Library. Freeman, M (1993) Finding The Muse: A Sociopsychological Inquiry into the Conditions of Artistic Creativity Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK Goodman, S O’Halloran, K (Eds.) (2006) The Art of English: Literary Creativity, Palgrave MacMillan, The Open University. Kennedy, RF (1968) Robert F Kennedy on the Death of Martin Luther King, speech, Indianapolis viewed 5 September 2008 Maybin, J (2006) Writing the self in J. Maybin and J. Swann (eds) The Art of English: Everyday Creativity The Open University, Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan, p. 261-311 Maybin, J (2006) Locating creativity in texts and practices in J. Maybin and J. Swann (eds) The Art of English: Everyday Creativity Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan/The Open University, p. 413-455 Mish, F (Ed.) (2004) Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, Springfield, MA Robbins, S (2001) Organizational Behavior Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ Sontag, S (1964) Against Interpretation Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York Swann, J (2006) The art of the everyday in J. Maybin and J. Swann (eds) The Art of English: Everyday Creativity Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan/The Open University, p. 3-53 Wonder, S (1980) Happy Birthday on Hotter Than July Motown, Detroit. 1 Footnotes [1] Sontag, S (1964) p. 3 [2] Freeman, M (1993) p. 37 [3] Maybin, J (2006) p. 415 [4] Mish, F (2004) p. 293 [5] Bennis, W Biederman, P (1997) p. 15 [6] Carter, R (2004) p. 101 [7] Robbins, S (2001) p. 156 [8] Csikszentmihalyi, M (Unknown) p. 108 [9] Csikszentmihalyi, M (ibid) p. 110 [10] Csikszentmihalyi, M (ibid) p. 110 [11] Carey, J (2005) p. 7 [12] Carey, J (ibid) p. 9 [13] Wonder, S (1980) lines 33-35 [14] Wonder, S (ibid) line 1-4

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Persuasive Essay: Football :: Persuasive Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once again, after a successful season, Shadle Park was defeated by a Big 9 school in the first game of the regional tournament. This reoccurring event has led many to believe that the four year football program puts GSL students at a disadvantage compared to other districts. A junior high school football program would not only increase the competitiveness of the students but also have more important consequences. As far as football goes, the GSL has become the laughing stock of the state. No team in the entire GSL has entered into the state tournament more than ten times. Shadle Park has only gone to the state tournament a few times in the school’s history. So why is the GSL performing so poorly in relation to the other school districts? The GSL students lack experience. The GSL has no football program for junior high students, while its competition, the Big 9, does. The majority of the GSL cannot play football until their first year of high school. The Big 9 districts fund and support junior high football programs in their schools. This gives the players of the Big 9 a two year advantage over the GSL schools. Players need more time to attain the knowledge and skills needed to play the complicated game of football. Learning the plays alone can take most of a player’s first season. Beginning this challenge in high school when competition is at an extreme can be very discouraging to new players. The GSL must start up a publicly ran junior high school football team so that it can regain its honor and enter its position as a strong competitor. Improving competitiveness is not the only advantage to beginning a football program two years earlier. Junior high is a time when many young people reach a crossroads between the innocence of elementary school and the complicated choices that come with the independence of high school. These are the years that young people begin making life changing choices in their search to identify who they are in this new world of leaving childhood behind. Many middle schoolers choose paths that do not lead to positive results. Some students during this time begin the illegal use of drugs and alcohol as well as other delinquent behaviors. Sports are a proven deterrent to these types of decisions. Studies reveal the number of athletes that become involved with drugs and alcohol is a significantly lower percentage than that of non-athletes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman Essay -- Lost in Translation Ewa Ho

Lost in Translation - A Place to Remember As people grow up, there are special places that remain in the memories. These places become a safe haven when life becomes too rough to handle. All the bad qualities of this place disappear in their minds so that only a perfect world exists. This is a place where everything is right and everyday troubles do not exist. In the novel Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman, she describes this paradise of sorts as her hometown of Cracow, Poland. Cracow, Poland is where Ewa spent the majority of her childhood up until age fourteen when she emigrated to the Canada with her mother, father, and younger sister Alina. Although she only spent fourteen years there, this place became a magical entrapment for her. In Cracow, Ewa...

Grammatical Style in Lumpkin’s The Making of a Southerner :: Lumpkin Making Southerner

Effective Use of Grammatical Style in Lumpkin’s The Making of a Southerner Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin has many effective uses of grammatical style. In the first full paragraph on page 86 of The Making of a Southerner this is evidenced. She begins the sentence with an adverbial which ties this paragraph to the previous one. Lumpkin uses the quotation â€Å"’stir up the Negroes’† to cause the reader to feel like he/she is present during this time period. The quotation draws the reader into the paragraph because of its status as a first-hand account, which lends credibility to the argument being presented. Later in the first sentence Lumpkin uses a dash as a sentence interrupter. This pause places much emphasis on the phrase after the dash, causing the reader to give it more weight. Indeed, this phrase is the focus of the entire paragraph, and Lumpkin has adroitly set it apart. Following the first sentence, Lumpkin uses questions to enhance the feeling of ‘there-ness.’ In other words, Lumpkin presents the material in an argumentative fashion in order to draw the reader further into the mind-set of the white male of whom she speaks. Lumpkin uses her position as narrator to step back and give someone else a voice. She argues as though she herself were a white male in the late 1800s to early 1900s. This The quotes continue to support her argumentative style by giving examples of the names and rumors floating during this time now past. On and on Lumpkin extorts the reader to feel what it is like to be a scared white male after the Civil War. Question after question repetitively persuade the reader to vividly imagine the â€Å"drunken Negroes [. . .] burning down plantation homes† as well as the â€Å"armed recruits, former slaves [roaming] the countryside demanding of white men to get their vehicles off the road to make room for these unifo rmed freedmen† (86). The imagery skillfully hidden in the questionnaire is astounding. Then, of a sudden, a dash appears to bring the reader full circle. We are now aware again that the narrator is asserting a voice of her own with the small apposition â€Å"the rumor said so† (86). This phrase gives the reader the sense that Lumpkin now disagrees with this attitude once held by her father. It belies the view that Lumpkin is apparently trying to hide for an unbiased second-hand account of the period.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Star Spangled Banner

English 101 November 21, 2012 The Star Spangled Banner The Star Spangled Banner is a very powerful and moving song that not only defines our country as a free and independent nation, but it also presents us with the struggles we went through to become who we are. The Star Spangled Banner originated as the poem â€Å"Defense of Fort McHenry† in 1814 by Frances Scott Key. The national anthem was not written during the American Revolution, contrary to popular belief. It was, in fact, written in the War of 1812. Although the poem has four unique stanzas, we normally only recognize the first one, and sometimes the second stanza as well.Our anthem, regardless of its patriotic values, is a great example of rich English literature that symbolizes our people even after 200 years. But, in reality, the song has a wide variety of meanings and interpretations deeply embedded in the historical significance it represents. The first line of the song reads, â€Å"O say can you see by the dawn ’s early light? What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? † Translated in to today’s contemporary language, this means, â€Å"hey there, can you see by morning what was there before the sun set yesterday evening? Frances Scott Key introduces the topic of this song by grabbing the reader’s attention. This first line of the song makes readers wonder what Key is referring to, making them want to read the poem on further. When Key mention’s the â€Å"dawn’s early light† he is referring to an early morning; a new day and a new beginning. The â€Å"twilight’s last gleaming† suggests a very special time of day; right before the sun is setting and there is a tiny streak of light that appears in the sky. These two verses show a lot of symbolism.Once again, we must use the historical context of this poem to make meaning of the lyrics. The War of 1812 was a war fought by the British and Americans. Key was on a British ship when he wrote this poem, negotiating with the officers to release some of the American hostages. He was watching the battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore. The battle took place in the late evening, when the American flag was still up and flying. In these lines, Key is asking himself, â€Å"Will the flag still be up tomorrow morning? † The twilight’s last gleaming could represent hope.Key still has faith and trust in his country. Even in the midst of a bloodthirsty battle, Key hoped that he would see the American flag the next morning. He hoped he would see a sign of perseverance and strength instead of weak downfall. He wanted his country to reign through the peril it oversaw. If the American flag was still not up by â€Å"the dawn’s early light†, it would signify defeat the British. The second two lines of the Star Spangled Banner places emphasis on the American flag. Today, our flag is commonly referred to as the stars and stripes.Key not iced these two distinct features and decided to define the American flag by â€Å"the stars and stripes†. History has it that there were two flags that were flown over Fort McHenry, one of them being a â€Å"storm flag†. This was the flag that was flown during the rainy day and the â€Å"perilous night† and the flag that was described in the first part of The Star Spangled Banner. This line reflects the determination of the American army. The flag is a key symbol of our nation. Key cleverly used this patriotic symbol to show how persistent our soldiers were; they kept fighting through the sanguine fighting of the night.When Key woke up by morning, a new flag was hoisted up, apart from the storm flag that he saw the previous night. Fort McHenry was proudly flying its much larger â€Å"garrison flag†. This flag measured 30 ft. by 42 ft. , larger than a modern day school bus. Key believed this was the same flag that was flown the previous night, when the Bri tish had attacked. Regardless of whether it was the storm flag or not, the sight of the American flag flying over the fort after a gory battle gave hope and confidence to its citizens.It once again stated the power of America as a powerful independent nation. The flag indirectly told the world to never underestimate the potential of America. The third line of the poem is very awkwardly phrased and positioned, once again reflecting the time period Key wrote the poem. â€Å"O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming† is referring to the previous line. Ramparts are protective walls. In this context, Key is referring to the walls of Fort McHenry. He very cleverly uses the word â€Å"ramparts† to describe the walls.The ramparts were built in 1776 to protect the city of Baltimore in case the British tried to attack through the Chesapeake Bay. After the War of 1812 was brought to attention, a local committee raised over $400,000 to strengthen the walls t o protect the citizens in case of an unexpected British attack. The word rampart suggests that the citizens were able to watch the battle with a sense of security as the soldiers risked their lives for their country. It solidifies the expression of sacrifice. Over the whole scene, Key once again mentions the American flag â€Å"gallantly streaming†.This gives the notion that this concept of sacrifice is very much American. It is an American soldier’s duty to lay his life down for his country. The next few lines start to intensely invoke emotions from the reader: â€Å"And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there† During the battle of Fort McHenry, the British had more than 15 battle ships, each armed with heavy artillery and one armed with a rocket launcher. Through the night, as the rockets were fired in to the air, they illuminated the sky with a bloody red glow.That red glow showed th e British where the American flag was so they would know where to aim. But, here comes the notion of good that comes out of evil. While the British threw the bombs in the air to destroy the flag, they ended up illuminating the flag, giving hope to all the patriotic soldiers to keep fighting. The motive of the British was to destroy the American flag, according to the poem by Frances Scott Key. The American flag was the symbol of America. It was the identity of the United States of America, because it represented the journey of America.The alternating 13 red and white stripes showed represented the moments of bloodshed and light in America. The fifty stars represent each of the strong independent states. By placing the stars in the same box, it shows unity among the various states. By destroying the flag, the British are stripping away the identity of the Americans. The final line of the first stanza summarizes the whole message of the song: â€Å"Oh, say that Star – Spangled Banner yet wave? O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave! † This line clearly states that the flag of the United States represents liberty and independence for all.As long as the flag shall wave, it will mark America as â€Å"the land of the free and the home of the brave†. Throughout the song, Key expresses a hero journey; a journey through hell and back in to the light. This is the story of Fort McHenry. The Americans were plunged in to a world of blood and gore. But the outcome of the battle was very significant. The American flag became a physical representation of good over evil. It was the marking of the victory of America, once again. The battle was a memory of the importance of our â€Å"Star- Spangled Banner†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Batas Rizal

Batas Rizal republic act 1425 RA 1425 Explanation based on Rizal Website RA No. 1425 prescribes the dogma of the spirit, works and literary works of Jose Rizal for all school, colleges and universities. Students and teachers, in the past familys, behave got relied on books and periodicals from the library to do their studies on Rizal. The advent of Information Technology, however, facilitated the acquisition and sacra custodytal manduction of ideas among peoples of varied persuasions throughout the globe. Survey results line of battle that more than and more students are victimisation the Internet to do research work.This Jose Rizal website is, therefore, designed, and created to tending students in the appreciation of the role of Rizal in the development of the Philippine nation. The web contains very(prenominal) comprehensive materials on and by Rizal in both the English and Filipino languages. throw out more, it is offered for free to everyone. The endorsement of the web by the Commission on Higher learning helped increase the number of visitors. This web continues to prepare and update information rough Rizal in order to be of better armed service to the users. seeded player ttp//www. joserizal. ph/in01. html What is RA 1425? Just in the year 1956, to be exact, on June 12 (the anniversary of the solvent of independence) the parliament in Manila passes a law (Republic Act Number 1425) which positive the entire works of Rizal as teaching material in all offstage and public schools and universities. Since the correspondence with Blumentritt represents the biggest portion of Rizals vary of earns it enkindle be express with full justification that Blumentritt is known to much every schoolchild in the Philippines.Kurt, a grandson of Blumentritt, was presented an honorary plaque posthumously on December 30, 1978, on the death anniversary of Rizal, for his grandfathers exceptional interest in the tale and culture of the Philippine people . . for his military volunteer alliance, his cooperation and his identification with the Philippine reformist politicians . . . for the return of many valuable works about the Philippines . . and for the inspiration and active support, which he modify the propaganda actions . above all, to his scoop out friend, Dr.Jose Rizal . . . A year later, Blumentritt was admitted posthumously to the order of the Knights of Rizal in the graze of Knight Commander. Here too, in the substantiation for his admission, Blumentritt was cited as inspirer-advisor and friend of Rizal for life and appreciation was paid him for introducing Rizal to the prominent men of letters and science in europium and for being a constant source of courage to his friend and the inspiration for Rizals hatful of an independent Philippine nation.In one of the numerous future visions which were exchanged between Rizal and Blumentritt, Rizal writes in the possibly most touching letter of this long correspondence Yes , I debate the time is already near when I may return to the Philippines. When I am already there, hence you must come in with your whole family and live with me I am provided with a big library, I shall have a little house construct on a hill for myself then I shall devote myself to the sciences, read score and write, establish a school and if you can bear the climate, then you shall be the director.I am sure all the young ones, the best in the country shall come to us Blumentritt-Rizal will stay in the store of the Filipino people desire Goethe and Schiller, like Horatius and Virgil, like the Humboldts The inexorability of history destroy the dream of Rizal but his vision for the Filipino people came true the memory of the both friends is alive. May these lines contribute to making a breach in the wall of ignorance and forgetfulness so that on his side of the globe, Ferdinand Blumentritt will in the long run be honored. source http//www. univie. ac. at/Voelkerkunde/ap se/aufi/rizal/nat-mour. htmPambansang Kumperensiya Batas Rizal Ang R. A. 1425 sa Loob ng 50 Taon Malugod po namin kayong inaanyayahang dumalo sa Pambansang Kumperensya tungkol sa ika-50 taon ng Batas Rizal, na pinamagatang ANG R. A. 1425 SA LOOB NG 50 TAON. Ito po ay idaraos sa Hunyo 19, 20 at 21, 2006 sa Pulungang Claro M. Recto, Bulwagang Rizal, Unibersidad ng Pilipinas sa Diliman, Lungsod Quezon, sa pagtataguyod ng UP Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas, UP Kolehiyo ng Arte at Literatura, National Commission for Culture and the humanistic discipline (NCCA) at Knights of Rizal, Inc. , Sa con gamekalahatan, layunin nito na 1. alagom ang implementasyon ng Batas Rizal sa sistemang pang-edukasyon simula 1956 tungo sa mabisang pagpapatupad pa nito at mula ritoy makahalaw at makapagmungkahi ng mabisang pagtuturo ng buhay at mga sulatin, partikular ang dalawang nobelang Noli at Fili, sa anyong modyul at iba pang kaparaanan. 2. makapagdulot ng napapanahong kaalaman mula sa bagong pagtanaw at pananaliksik hinggil sa pambansang bayani at 3. mapalakas ang ugnayan sa lebel na indibidwal at institusyonal sa hanay ng mga kalahok hinggil sa layunin ng kumperensya. more on http//batasrizal. blogspot. com/ taken up from.. http//hubpages. com/hub/Ra_1425